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“Truthfully since meeting you Ginny, I never really knew if I was the hunter or the hunted.”


The ceremony was beautiful. Mary dressed in black, singing hymns with her church choir, bringing even more beauty to Pap’s funeral. Ginny wiped the tears with the tissue she had stuffed up her sleeve. I held her hand like it was my lifeline because truly it was. Ginny was my life now. Her smile was what I looked forward to every day.

I wondered if Paps was smiling down on us and if he gave us his blessing. On impulse, I boughtthe ring. I saw it in the window, and I knew it was hers. However, I’m not quite ready to slip it on her finger just yet. We still have a lot on our plate. Our monthly meetings with my father were unlike the formal scene that I assumed in my head, instead, he had a traditional family dinner and refused to talk about business. He showed more interest in our future plans. I proceeded with caution during this time, because I didn’t want to ruin anything for Ginny, plus he appeared to actually enjoy his time with us.

Mary amazed me with how she stood tall next to what’s left of her family, standing with grace next to the place her husband would be laid to rest. Occasionally she would dab a tear from her cheek, however, she tended to her sister-in-law as she wasn’t handling the situation quite as well. A couple of days ago, I asked Mary how she kept moving forward. With the softest voice and purest intentions, she said, “I know I’ll see him again. When it’s my time, he will be greeting me with open arms.” She was so confident in her statement. It made me believe the same.

Would I ever love someone that much to believe that even when we’re apart the love will lead us back to each other? It led me back to Ginny once already and I wouldn’t make the mistake of losing her while there was still breath in my lungs. I would find her wherever she went. For as long as I breathe, I wanted her with me.

Each of us lined up to place the dirt on the casket and my feet felt stuck to the ground. The line kept moving but I wasn’t. Ginny nudged me before I made a scene, but even with her there I didn’t want to let him go. I refused to throw dirt on the man who raised me to be a man. The man who listened to me when no one else would. The man who encouraged me to go to college and even paid for my first semester. The man who fed me and allowed me to live in his home for six summers of my life then allowed me to become a permanent staple in his. Pap wasn’t just my friend; he was my father. I loved him and I didn’t want to say goodbye, I wasn’t ready.

Ginny stood in front of me and grasped my hands, “you don’t have to go up there if you don't want to, but you do have to allow everyone else to say goodbye.” She led me away as the tears streamed down my face. She took her handkerchief out and patted them away, “It’s okay baby, we will see him again someday. For now, we will just focus on living. Pap would want that.” How did she always know what to say? She was right after all. Pap always emphasized living while we were still here, however, I always thought he was talking about Alfey. He was right though. We only had one life and I planned to live every day to the fullest with Ginny by my side.


It’s been a few months since we buried Pap. Today I planned to spend the entire day with Ginny. We’ve decided to build my office next to Ginny’s shop. It was ideal, especially for me. I watched her work on those bikes every day and watching her get filthy with oil and grease while I worked in my office was a turn-on. I did get the occasional moments to sneak in a kiss before drowning myself in work. I rebuilt my network, found new investors and I was on my way to the deal I’d been waiting for. Dad had been helping me with new contacts and honestly, it wasn’t that bad working with him after all. Soon enough we would have a chain of Pappy’s Pork Palace restaurants with Mary’s special seasoning. Our first one would be stationed in Corree Harbor. We are already in talks for one in Raleigh and Myrtle Beach as well. Pap would be proud to know that Mary was taken care of, she could focus on enjoying her last years.

Ginny’s business was booming after her grand opening last month. She couldn’t keep her custom-made bikes in store, plus she’s been staying busy on the repair side of things as well. This last week, I’ve been placing ads looking to hire more workers. Ginny had been working sixty-hour weeks to keep up and I would be damned if my girl worked her fingers to the bone. We could afford it. I was sure we were well on our way to early retirement.

However, we needed to focus on step one of the processes. One day she would have children to chase around and a husband to curl up with every night. We made plans for our future, beginning with work, then spending time traveling around the world, and then starting our biggest adventure. We would settle down and have kids. But what she didn't know was that I didn’t think that I could wait on the settling down part. This ring had been burning a hole in my pocket and I was itching to place it on her finger. Marriage wasmyfuture plan. No matter where we went or what we did, as long as we were together, it would be beautiful.

This woman was the most precious thing in my life, and I wouldn’t waste another moment without her. I smiled at my desk and set the ring right in the center. I spun it like a coin and peered up at my Ginny while she replaced a frozen clutch. The admiration that I had for her was impenetrable. I loved her. It’s like she could feel me watching her and she turned her head in my direction. I stared at Ginny who met my eyes and swayed her rounded hips as she came to my office. “What has made you so giddy this afternoon?” she asked.” I saw you stalking me.” She added.

“You are so fucking sexy,” is all I answered before speed-walking in her direction to kiss those lips. “Do you know how hard it is to try to work while watching you fix those bikes all day?”

She pressed herself against me feeling every hard inch, “by the feel of it, it must be torture.” She giggled and pressed her lips against mine. I could never tire of her. She was truly the best part of my life. She ended the kiss, peered up into my eyes, and whispered, “I love you, Hunt…”

Fuck I love you, Ginny.

