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Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

My sister has a reputation around Coree Harbor. She's been called a homewrecker, tramp, harlot, and so much more. But she wasn't alone in her acts and I'm tired of seeing my sister's name being drug through the mud.

I'm not the woman scorned. My sister is. And it's time to get revenge.

Robbie had a reputation of being a player but the player was about to be played!

I want to, first of all, dedicate this book to my mom, like I do all my books. She is who always supported me in my writing, and I dedicate all my words to her. I miss her each and every day!

A special thanks to my husband and kids. You’re the best! I love you all!

To my fan group, J.L. Leslie’s Fiction Addiction, for being the best fan group an author could ever ask for! Thank you!

To my Beta Babes: thank you for giving me honest feedback and critique!

To my ARC team: thank you so much for reading my words! It amazes me each day that people take the time to read what I write and sometimes actually enjoy it!

Last, but not least, a special thanks to the authors who participated in Hometown Heartbreakers: Sunkissed. We had some ups and downs with this one but we persevered and I’m so proud of what we’ve accomplished! You are all so wonderfully talented, and I appreciate being part of this project with each of you!


It’s nearly two in the morning and I’m banging on my sister’s door. I’d love to say this is the first time I’ve done this. Hell, even the second time wouldn’t sound so bad. But honestly, I’ve lost count of how many times my sister has called me crying over a man who has broken her heart.

Candy is the type of woman who believes every relationship istherelationship. She’s a hopeless romantic. Puts her heart into every date. Her biggest problem? She puts her body into every date too.

If she were a man, it wouldn’t be an issue, but a woman enjoying sex as much as my sister does gets a crap reputation?especially in a small town like Coree Harbor.

I knock again. Still no answer. This time seemed different. There was so much sadness in her voice. Such despair. Candy isn’t someone who dwells on heartache. She moves on to the next guy with the same hope he’s the one.

“Candy?” I call out, using my spare key to open the door. “I’m here, sweetie. I’ve got ice cream.”

I walk back to her bedroom and scream out when I see her, dropping the ice cream to the floor. Candy is unconscious on her bed, pills strewn across her comforter.

“Candy! Wake up, honey! Wake up!”

I shake her, desperate to revive her. She moans and the relief that hits me is overwhelming. I get my phone and dial 9-1-1 just in case.

Cradling her in my arms, I hold her, promising her everything will be okay. It has to be. My sister is the only family I have. We grew up in foster care after our parents died in a car crash. There’s no one more important in my life, even if she has horrible taste in men.

“Why did you do this?” I mutter.

“Robbie,” she mumbles. “My Rob.”

Robbie? Whoever this Robbie is, he has hell to pay. He broke my sister. Pushed her to the edge, and I’ll be damned if she didn’t try to jump.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. My sister is the one who was scorned, but I’m the one who’s going to bring the hell.


“What are you doing, Liam? You call that a block? Campbell barely had two seconds to throw the ball! Run it again!”
