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“We can always switch.” I wink at her, but I know she fell in love with the view of the pond behind the house. The one I promise to take her to when she moves in.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Xavier. Bright and early. I will even bring coffee and pastries.” She opens the door and walks down to her older car. It takes a few minutes to turn over. That is all the time I need to decide to ensure she has a better car to drive safely in.

“Pitching a tent there, boss,” Jackson says, smirking as he closes the door, blocking me from her.

“Jackson, someday soon that woman will be my wife.”

“How are you sure she will accept?” he asks, as we head to the kitchen for snacks and beer.

“I don’t. But I will do everything in my power to make sure she is. That’s the woman from the accident.”

“What accident?” he asks, dipping his crinkled chip into the bacon ranch dip.

“Remember the one a year ago? The one that had me distracted when we had that woman with the fake tits that had the fetish to be spit roasted?” He nods.

“I am one hundred and ten percent certain Dale is the woman from wreck. I will work it into conversation to make sure. But her eyes are what I remember the most from that night,” I say, adjusting my crotch. The thoughts of her are causing an uncomfortable situation in my pants. I know I need to think of other things, so I reach forward and grab the sandwich off the plate.

“What do you think happened to her that night?” Jackson asks, plunking down beside me as I turn on the show we have been binge watching about serial killers and the women who loved them.

“Jack, I don’t honestly know. But whatever it was has left that beautiful woman fighting demons. I don’t think a team of the toughest fighters could beat.” The show starts, leaving me to my thoughts and the pastrami sandwich.

When I find out what happened that day, I will make sure I fight all those demons for her . No woman deserves to fight demons that dim the light in her eyes.


“Yes, Dad. I know if this doesn’t work out, I can always come back home. But, you have to admit, it will be nice to do stuff with Mom without having to worry about me,” I say, my head lying against his chest as he squeezes me.

“Dale, you are my daughter. You will always be my daughter. No matter how old you get, I will always protect you. Now that you are closer to home, and after what happened, I am going to make sure I stick to that,” he says, squeezing a little tighter. If he puts and more pressure on my poor chest, he will crush me.

“Dad, you’re squishing the stuffing out of me,” I whisper, then gasp as he releases me.

“Sorry, sweetheart. I am worried about you. I never got to meet this employer and now my baby is moving into his home and running his life,” he says, as he turns to the window and looks out.

“I can ask him to come here. So you can meet him and tell me what your gut says.”

“Don’t think you have to. Three very large black SUV’s just pulled up in front of the house and eight very large men climbed out.” My dad steps back from the window and heads toward the door. Stepping closer, I watch as Jackson and Xavier laugh with four other men.

Turning and making my way down to them, I am stopped when my dad opens the door and walks out.

“Which one of you is my daughter’s boss?” he asks, pushing his legs out shoulder width and crosses his arms over his chest. Coming out behind my dad, as Xavier steps forward.

“My name is Xavier Sennetti. Mr. Arsenault, I will make sure your daughter is well taken care of.” Xavier extends his hand and leaves it extended until my dad has sized him up and offers his in return.

“My daughter will be able to have family time, correct?”

“I told Dale that whenever she wanted personal time, she was to take it. I am not a hard ass. I just need someone to help me keep my house in order and one that is not afraid to get dirty.” Xavier’s eyes connect with mine. A small smile spread across his face.

“Right. Dale, let’s get you loaded up into that hunk a junk you call a car.” My dad spins and heads back inside as my mom slides out and wraps her arms around my middle.

“All right boys, go help Mr. Arsenault load up the SUVs,” Xavier instructs. “Dale, your car can be scrapped. There is a smaller black SUV at the house that is for you, and a perk for signing on.”

“What? No, I can’t afford payments right now.” Xavier steps forward, places his finger under my chin and whispers, “The perks of being the house boss at the Sennetti home.” He walks away, following the others into my parents’ house.

“I like him. He is cute.” My mom giggles, and watches as my dad walks out with a suitcase and a look that says he is satisfied with how Xavier showed up.

“Sweetheart. I agree with Xavier. I will scrap your car tomorrow and get the money for it.” Then he walks back into the house.

“What the hell just happened?”
