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Home? Now, I trained my gaze on her… home? I’ve known Pap for fifteen years and had never laid eyes on this girl in my life. I certainly wouldn’t have missed her.

“Hey Pap, aren’t you going to introduce me?” I asked them.

Pappy spoke first, “This is Virginia. Don’t you recognize her?”

Virginia? The name didn’t ring a bell. “No, I don’t. Should I?”

Pap looked at me with squinted eyes and cocked his head to the side, “Maybe not, you two were very young when you first met.”

Virginia…, I’m pretty sure I had never met her before. I would remember those eyes. How could I forget that pouty mouth? I couldn’t stop envisioning it wrapped around my hard cock, but now that I knew that she was related to Pappy, I would have to tread on the cautious side. Pappy was the only family I had, and I wasn’t fucking that up for a piece of ass, even if it was the hottest piece of ass I had ever seen.

She shocked me out of my spell with her own spin on our history. She peered over at me with her crystal-like eyes and tilted her chin in the air, “Yeah Pap, that summer at Johnson’s Pond wasn’t that memorable.”

The summer at Johnson’s Pond was my first summer staying with Pap. I didn’t remember a pretty redhead there. I wracked my brain and the only other person I could think of was...Oh shit, Is that little Ginny four eyes?We were best friends that summer. I stayed at Pappy’s to get away from my overbearing father. She came to Pappy’s to mourn hers. She moved away with her mom. I hated to say it, but she crushed me when she left. She was my only friend.

“So, what happened?” Pap asked Virginia.

“Nothing worth mentioning, can I get my favorite, pretty please?” She directed her smile only towards Pap and as soon as she looked around, her lips extended into a pout, making me want to nibble and tug on them.

I was glad she didn’t say anything. I’m starting to remember that vacation, and it didn’t end well for our little Ginny. She was rushed off the last night we were there, and I'd never seen her again. That was the summer that I had my first and second kisses. Ginny was the first, for practice of course and then I used my new skills on Renee. As twelve-year-olds go, Renee was a beauty. I had the biggest crush on her, and Ginny helped me get her. Ginny was a great friend.

Pappy handed me my food with a grin on his face. I grabbed the basket and sniffed the delicious meal. My mouth watered and I moaned in pleasure, peeking over in Ginny’s direction hoping to get a response.

She still hadn’t looked at me. Was she shy? It had been a long time. I remembered the day she left, her face flushed red, I thought she resembled a ripe tomato. She had tears in her eyes and ran to Johnson’s house. I understood she was sad to leave but what could I have done? I was just a kid. Not the greatest friend, I wasn’t brave enough back then to chase a girl down, but I had grown in confidence and strength since then.

Worst case scenario, I wouldn’t get laid.

“Oh, I remember now. You’re Ginny four-eyes, right?” I stated rather obnoxiously trying to catch a glimpse of the girl I once knew. I lightly tapped her shoulder to try to regain our friendly banter.

No luck, she pretended not to hear me and started a deep conversation with Pappy. I turned around, grabbed my freshly cooked food and tried to find an empty table closest to them so I could hear. She had planned to stay for an extended visit and wanted to spend some time with Pap. Everyone loved him. I couldn’t blame her. He took everyone under his wing.

I took a few bites and chewed slowly, so I could continue eavesdropping on their conversation. I tried not to be obvious in my perusal of her, but I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. She was so damn perfect. What was I doing? This was Ginny. The girl who was just one of the guys.

No matter how much my brain tells me that I couldn’t have her, my body had different ideas. I needed to figure out how to get her to look at me, why was she so hard-headed? If I remembered correctly, Ginny had a thing for ice cream back then, she couldn't resist a twist cone with sprinkles even if she was pissed off.

Maybe that was my in.

“Paps, I’m headed down to Archey’s for a hot fudge sundae. Anything I could get you or Ginny?” She turned her head and finally gave me a view of her sky-blue eyes. She squinted at me like she was trying to figure out my game. I had to hand it to her, I was playing one.

She didn’t respond, just stared at me, I couldn’t help but smirk. She was on to me and I knew I was going to win.

“Nothing for me boy,” Pap answered.

I waited for Ginny’s response when she didn't give me one, I took a few fries and stuffed my face without taking my eyes off her. I always loved a challenge.

“Well...okay then if nobody wants anything I’ll just be going now. Archey’s got new sprinkles in. It’s all about shapes now. These millennials, nothing can be simple.” I chuckled at myself while both of them watched me make my exit. I thought she would bite, but no luck. Maybe I had to wait a couple of days until the fury inside of her dissipated a bit.

Well, I guess I didn’t get my “W” for today, but my persistence would pan out. If I remembered correctly Ginny’s got a soft heart.

I threw the rest of my food in the nearby trash can and walked away annoyed. The least she could do was talk to me. It’s not like I was a stranger. We were old friends, at least that’s what I thought. Was that too much to ask?

Heading towards the beach, I removed my shirt and threw it on the sand. My pants followed, now I only had my bathing suit on. As a native beachgoer, I never knew when I was going for a swim. The waves were huge today, it was too bad I didn’t bring my surfboard. The waves tempted me, but unfortunately, I would just have to feel my toes sink into the sand. I felt the waves crash against my hard body and I meant hard. I needed to cool off after my meeting with Ginny.

She was the true epitome of a fiery redhead. The hourglass figure that every Playboy model dreamt of having and every horny adolescent male dreamt of getting. If I only knew back then what I knew now, Ginny four eyes would’ve gotten a little more attention.

Even though I knew an embarrassing number of girls in bikinis were staring at me, I didn’t bother looking their way or trying to bring one home. They were meaningless. Five minutes ago, she was just a girl. Now she was the prey. She was the only one who would pacify the hunger I held deep down. It was like I had been given my first hit and I was addicted.

My imagination wandered with visions of auburn hair wet from the ocean, resting along the contours of her swan-like neck. The freckles on her skin multiplied when the sun kissed her porcelain skin. She was a sight to see. Her willowy arms rested on her knees as she peered out into the vast green water. I would give anything to be inside her head at this moment. I felt my dick twitch at the thought of being inside any part of her.
