Page 14 of Manik

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Rolling my head to the side to have her back in my sight, I point out, “You seem perfectly sane to me.”

“Because you don’t know a thing about me yet.” Her laugh is quiet, and it fills me with something I haven’t felt since I was a kid at school. A crush.

“Running the wing helped to pass the time, but you wouldn’t believe how tiring it is having to watch your back day and night. Most of the time you can’t even trust your cellmate. Everyone tells you they’re innocent but then will try and get at you with a smile on their face.”

“I heard what you did, you must’ve loved him fiercely to lose your mind like that?”

Jealousy courses through me at the thought of how much she must’ve loved this guy, who I’ve never met and most likely never will.

She snorts. “That’s the thing, I didn’t attack them because I was madly in love with him. It was all to do with the betrayal. We were at the point where we had fallen into a rut. Once I had time to think about it, I realised we were on the outs anyway. I shouldn’t have been surprised he stepped out on me.”

“Sometimes we do things we don’t know we’re capable of,” I murmur.

She rolls onto her side, plumping the pillow, and stares at me.

“What about you? What’s your story?”

Reaching over for my pack of cigarettes, I light one up and it’s taken from between my fingers. I light another and say, “I got into some trouble, and it was thought it’d be for the best if I got out of town for a while.”

She inhales on the cigarette and goes on to ask, “What trouble did you find yourself in?”

“A fight that got out of control.”

That's all I’m saying for now on the matter and only after a couple of puffs, I stub the cigarette out in the ashtray on the nightstand.

She takes one last pull on her cigarette and passes it over to me. “I never used to smoke until I went to prison. I guess I should give it up now.”

Running the back of my hand down her arm, I tell her, “It’s not something you need to think about now.”

She smirks. “What should I be thinking about?”


Rolling on top of her, I claim her mouth and think of all the ways I can use her body for the rest of the night.

“You’re gonna break me if you carry on like this.” She giggles.

“You’d be even more beautiful if I did. Broken underneath me… I still wouldn’t be able to stop.”

“That’s fucked up, you know.”

I press my lips to her neck. “I didn’t tell ya I was a saint.”

I wake and carefully climb out of bed so as not to wake Lexi. Taking care of my needs in the bathroom, I brush my teeth and walk back into the bedroom. She’s sprawled across the bed, the sheets having slipped down to her waist. The curve of her side-boob wakes my dick and I take a minute to watch her sleep.

She’s a diamond surrounded by rough and rugged men and a part of me is glad of what went down back home. If not, I’d never have come to Eastford and met Lexi Mitchell. And fuck, she feels good against me. Not only the physical but the connection between us, it’s crazily growing strong.

Before we know it, the day will begin, and she’ll disappear from me again. Slipping onto the bed, I gently stroke her shoulder until she slowly wakes.


She smiles and it curls around my heart like no other smile has done before. It’s almost strange how she makes it beat in anticipation of what could come next. It’s an adrenaline, unlike any other rush I’ve felt in my life.

“What time is it?”

Glancing at the small clock on the nightstand, I tell her, “Just after nine.”

The chances of getting my dick wet this morning plummets to zero when she jumps out of bed and searches for her clothes.

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