Page 15 of Manik

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“You’re not leaving, are you?”

“I said I’d take Tommy to school this morning.”

“I wanna see you again tonight.”

She grins as I start to dress. “I don’t know what my plans are yet.”

I hide my grin. I’ll let her play, for now. Her phone slips out of her jeans pocket as she picks them up and I cross the room and grab it.

I save my number in her contacts and hand it back. “Call me and I’ll come pick you up.”

“If I can make time for you, I’ll let you know.”

Growling, I tell her, “Keep it up and I’ll make you pay for it later.”

She stops at the door and turns back to me. The deep lines between her brows are the cutest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.

“Last night… how you were with me, I wasn’t expecting it but I… liked it. A lot. But you order me around outside of this room, it won’t be pretty for you.”

I know exactly what she’s talking about but before I can say anything, she’s slipping out of the door, and she’s gone.

Getting dressed, I grab my phone and the pack of cigarettes from the nightstand and head downstairs. I’m surprised to see brothers up and around at this early hour and when Chaos calls for us to get our arses in the back room, I follow everyone in and close the door behind me.

Chaos bangs the gavel down on the heavy wooden table and brothers fall into silence.

“As you all know, we’re out of town next week. It’s looking to be a standard run and we should be home within three or four days.” He peeks at me and adds, “Considering you’re lying low, you’ll stay here and keep yourself outta trouble. Dodge said you’re a shit hot tattooist.”

“Not to blow smoke up my own arse, but yeah, I am.”

Brothers laugh and Chaos rolls his eyes.

“Twisted can fit you in at the shop. The town’s poor as fuck, but they can all afford ink. You’ll earn well.”

“Sounds good to me.”

I sit listening to them discuss their business for the next couple of weeks and my mind wanders to Lexi. I’d love to ink her flawless skin. To mark her permanently with my gun. The thought of seeing my work on her every time I bend her over has me growing tight in my jeans. Thank fuck I’ve got the table for cover. To think I’m the first guy she’s been with in over ten years is something I like. A lot. As well as how tight she is. She fits me like a fucking glove and as my mind wanders even farther, I plan all the things I want to do to her tonight. She better fucking call or I’ll be tracking her down like a wolf hunting his prey. Chaos slams the gavel down and I quickly gaze around, wondering how much I missed.

“Manik. A word.”

My gut sinks at Psycho’s tone but after last night, it’s kind of changed everything. She felt that good, she’d be worth a beat down or two.


Pushing up from my chair, I follow him out of the back room and join him off to the side of the bar. I go to say, “Brother…” when he cuts me off with a flick of his wrist.

“Lex is her own person and more than capable of handling her own business, but she’s lost a lot of time, ten years of time. I don’t want to put myself in her business but if this is just fun for you while you’re in town, make it clear to her. If it leads to something more serious, make it clear to her. Don’t bring a single shred of grief to her life because then I will make it my business and I’ll cause you pain, the likes of which you never knew existed.”

I swallow his threat, understanding where it’s coming from. “I get it.”

“Be sure you do. The patch will only save you so much when it comes to her.”

He goes to walk off and I sigh thankfully that’s over with when he stops and turns back to me. “She’s got a good heart, but she has demons. Ones not even I can fight for her, but you, I’ll fight you in my fucking sleep and still put you in the ground, or toss you over the Eastford cliffs, or…”

“Yeah, I get it, brother.”

We all have demons, but I won’t anger her or make them worse. One thing I’ve learned about Lexi Mitchell in the short time I’ve known her is that underneath her reputation is a woman who just wants to be wanted.

In the meantime, until she calls, I track down Twisted and get details on the job at their tattoo parlour.
