Page 43 of Manik

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“That’s it, you need fresh air and daylight.”

Snapping my focus from the screen to Evie, her hand lands on the laptop and shuts it.

“I was writing…”

“The laptop will still be here when we get back.” She pulls me up from the chair and runs her fingers through my hair. “A couple of hours with your niece and nephew out in the sunshine will be good for you.”

I go to decline but think better of it. “If I go, will you leave me alone to write after?”

She nods. “I will.”

She sends me for a shower, and I quickly dress and throw my hair up into a messy bun. I’ll give her a couple of hours if only to get peace when we return home.

Fifteen minutes into our walk, we arrive at the park and Tommy runs off to the climbing eyesore and Evie plots up at one of the picnic tables. Laden with what I call her mum bag, she pulls out two bottles of water, snacks for Tommy, and a sliced banana for Rosie. It’s like a bottomless treasure trove for the healthy. Inhaling the crisp fresh air, my mind calms, and an idea forms.

“You know what we need?”

“What’s that?”

“A girls' night out.”

Her immediate reaction is to frown. “It can’t be that bad of an idea.”

“It’s not. It’s just… I haven’t been out in years and Rosie…”

“Rosie will be looked after by her dad, we don’t have to stay out till the early hours, we don’t even have to get drunk. If you think about it, it’s your fault wanting me to get out more.”

Rolling her eyes, she bites down on her bottom lip, and I urge, “Come on, it’s been so long since I’ve gotten dressed up and it’s been the same for you.”

“Okay. Wow, I think I’ve forgotten how to get dressed up.”

Smiling, I say, “Don’t worry, you’ve got me.”

She pulls out her phone, no doubt getting in touch with Louis. Leaving her to deal with my brother, I run around with Tommy and push him on the swings. Evie was right, I did need a break and I come to love the sound of Tommy’s laughter. So pure and innocent, unlike the rare laughter from me and Louis as children.

We came to know that laughter could and would quickly turn into cries. It was always short-lived. Tommy doesn’t have anything to fear, his laughter will last a lifetime.

I slip into my black dress. A dress I bought two years before I was sentenced. It still fits perfectly, and I smooth it down over my hips as I take one last look in the mirror. My hair is curled to perfection. My makeup is flawless. I’m looking good and feeling good. Tucking cash into my clutch purse, I add my lip gloss and my phone.

“You ready, Eve?” I yell passing by her room and heading downstairs.

“One minute!”

I check myself once more in the mirror in the hallway and quickly touch up my lip gloss as Evie comes down with my brother close behind her.


I laugh. “I was about to say the same about you. We scrub up nice, don’t we.”

Her smile is huge while my brother appears like he’s been slapped by a fish.

“Don’t worry, Lou, I’ll look after her.”

His eyes narrowed into slits. “I don’t know which one of you I’m worried most about.”


As luck would have it, our taxi arrives.
