Page 48 of Manik

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“Hey, brother. Let me show you to your station.”

I don’t really know Twisted well. He seems to keep to himself mostly and I haven’t made the effort to get to know him. I guess we’re about to learn about each other while working together.

“I’ve got an old mate coming by in about an hour. He’s happy to work with you, he wants to start a back piece.”


Tattooing for me is like an escape. While I work the needle, my mind becomes a void. Yet I doubt it’ll work to stop me from thinking of Lexi.

And I’m right. Twisted’s mate, Shaun, is great to work with but I couldn’t help thinking of Lex and what she was up to while I was working. He knew what he wanted and within an hour, I had drawn up what he had envisioned perfectly and we began. For six hours, he sat perfectly still, with the exception of a couple of breaks and I imagined scenario after scenario of Lex and I together. As I’m cleaning up my station, my phone rings.

I could get used to seeing Lex’s name flash up on my phone screen at the end of a workday, or even better, going home to her after a long day.

Today I settled for her calling. Apart from the one text she sent for me to meet her at the beach, this is the first time she’s reached out to me.

“Hey,” I answered. “You good?”

“I am. You?”

It’s all so formal, but I say, “I’m good now. What’s up?”

“I need your address or I won’t know which door to knock on. I could end up meeting someone else.”

The teasing is clear but fuck me if I don’t want to kick the shit out of the imaginary person she’s joking about. I rattle off the address and my temper wanes.

“What time do you reckon you’ll be over? You need me to pick you up?”

Fuck me, I’ll do anything to make sure she ends up at my place tonight.

“I said I’d help Evie with the food shop so I’ll see you around six, is that okay?”

I could laugh. “Of course it is.”

“Okay, I’ll see you tonight then.”


She’s the first to end the call. I can’t help but wear the smile that’s taking up permanent residence on my face.

Thank fuck the flat is fully furnished. I had enough time to pick up new bed sheets after my shift at Twisted’s parlour and check in with Chaos about my transfer. I’ve made the bed ready for it to get messed up. Smirking, I picture Lexi naked and legs wide open. My dick more than likes the image I’ve conjured up and I adjust myself and get on with unpacking my bag.

The doorbell rings and fuck me, I’m nervous. She’s like no one I’ve ever met before and since I’ve always had a knack for knowing a good thing when I see it, I intend on not fucking this up and keeping hold of it.

Swinging open the door, her beauty captures me farther and I’m even happier when I see the bags of shopping she’s picked up.

“I guessed you wouldn’t have gone shopping. I bought you a few essentials.”


Taking the shopping bags from her, she takes a glance around while I unpack. I want her to like it, I want her to feel at home here. Most importantly I want her to feel at home here with me.

“It’s nice. You like it or is it just a place to sleep?”

“I like it.”

“You not bothered about living in this part of town?”

“What about it?”

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