Page 53 of Manik

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Hearing him tell the club does something to me, something worse than when I heard him on the phone to Evie. Kneeling inside the tent, I grab my bag, phone, and keys. Whoever has her is living on borrowed time. I don’t know what’s worse, Psycho coming for them, or me? Either way, they’re dead.

“Give us two minutes to pack up, and we’ll leave with you,” Chaos says.

Psycho’s already shaking his head. “Nah, you carry on with the run. Manik and I will head back. The two of us will be able to do what we all can.”

“Psy, this is Lex,” Mayhem says. “She’s a part of us, too.”

“Yeah, and me and Manik will find her. If we haven’t by the time you get back, then all hands-on fucking deck.”

Chaos sighs, knowing Psycho’s right. “Okay, you two go, but I want updating on the hour, every fuckin’ hour.”

Psycho and I didn’t waste a second running for our bikes and with another nod from Chaos, we rode for home. For Eastford. We arrived in record time thanks to the dead roads and jealousy rippled through me when Psycho grabbed Evie and could feel how safe she was in his arms.

“Let’s take this inside,” I grunt, walking past them and into their house.

It’s like an out-of-body experience as I pace the kitchen as she tells us her course of events. There’s fuck all to go on. But that can’t be true. There has to be something.

“Tell me again,” I ordered.

“I woke to Louis ringing, and I went straight to Lexi’s room. I saw her bed was still made and shouted down the stairs. She shouted for me to stay where I was and to tell Louis something, but she was cut off. I heard something being knocked over and ran down the stairs. As I got to the kitchen, someone was carrying her out the back door. By the time I could move, I ran to the door and out to the side gate, but they were gone.”

With a burst of frustration, my hand collides forcefully with the table, sending a jolt of sound through the room. The sudden impact startles Evie, causing her to instinctively flinch, her eyes wide with alarm. However, as if triggered by my action, Psycho's piercing, cold gaze shifts from Evie to me. His eyes, once seemingly unfocused and distant, now fixate on me with an unsettling intensity, oozing with a malevolence that fills the room with an eerie tension.

“Sorry, Evie.”

“It’s fine, we’re all worried and angry right now.” She frowns at Psy and asks, “Have you hurt anyone lately that would want revenge?”

“I can safely say no.”

“What about her ex? He would’ve been told about her release. Maybe he waited a decade for revenge?”

“Not possible,” Psy tells her.

Her brow arches and I’m guessing she’s silently asking if he’s the reason why he’s so adamant now. He gives her a small nod and she sighs. “Okay, so that’s at least someone we don’t have to worry about.”

“What about someone from prison?” I ask. It seems to be the most obvious question.

“Has Lex told you about her time inside?” Psycho asks me.


“Then you’ll know she ran the wing for a long time. To keep shit locked down, there would’ve been many women who would’ve held grudges, women who could have had men to pay their revenge. The list is long, brother.”

After settling into a chair, I quickly rise again and begin pacing back and forth restlessly. Remaining stationary feels unbearable, as if the need to keep moving is ingrained within me. I am filled with a restless energy that compels me to stay in motion. Until I have a task to occupy my mind and body, I find a slither of peace only in the constant movement.

“This is Thomas all over again,” Evie says quietly.

Psycho grabs her hands and says, “And you know what happened to the guy who took him.”

I observe the two of them. “What happened with Thomas? Your son, yeah?”

Evie nods but it’s Psycho who explains. “Three years ago, our son was kidnapped by someone out for revenge on me because I killed his brother. But like I will now, I hunted the fucker down and I killed him with my bare hands.”

He pushes up from his chair, leans over the table, and kisses his old lady.

“Give me an hour.”

He gets up and leaves. Doesn’t tell me where he’s going, just leaves. I stare at the door for a long time before Evie assures me, “Louis will track her down, Manik.”
