Page 55 of Manik

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I’m surprised by his restraint but then again, silence is a killer when it’s not golden.

“I hear ya. But I need to do something or I’m going to lose my mind. I can’t keep sitting around here.”

“I get ya. We’ll take Evie’s car.”

I drop my keys on the table and catch the ones he throws my way. “I’ll meet you outside.”

The last thing I want is to hang around and watch him be able to kiss the woman he loves goodbye. He doesn’t keep me waiting long and I take the passenger side while he slides behind the wheel. He knows these streets like the back of his hand and will know where each of these fuckers live.

“Where to first?”

“Matt’s older brother. Out of them all, he’s the one most capable of coming after her.”

I clench my fists and count my breaths. If this fucker knows anything about Lexi, he’ll give it up by the time I’m finished with him.

Chapter Seventeen


“We’re getting nowhere. It’s obvious these pricks have nothing to do with Lex.”

Psycho’s jaw tenses. “I’m fully fucking aware, brother.”

He swings the car around another corner and parks at the end of yet another street. It’s been forty-two hours since Lexi was taken, and we have nothing to go on.

“His father’s house is the fourth one down,” he says, pointing it out. “We’ll wait for dark and take a look around.”

It’s always waiting. I don’t know how he’s being so calm. I’m losing my shit.

“Do you think she’s… holding her own?”

“I’m banking on whoever has her is just believing they’re taking revenge for their relative and they’re mostly hot air. Lex survived our father and ten years in prison, we have to hold out that she’ll be okay.”

Silence hangs between us as we wait for the sun to set. I regret not telling her exactly how I felt before I left, in fact, I regret leaving town altogether.

“Matt and Beth were my greatest kills. It took me over a year before I took them and tortured the shit out of them. I planned every move over and over again. I never thought that it would come back on Lex.”

“Where are they?”

He glares at me and smirks. It’s pure fuckin evil. “Matt’s been with his dad all this time. His back garden is an overgrown shithole, he’s buried at the bottom of the garden. And Beth went for a swim down the river, I never heard anything about her body washing up so fuck knows where she ended up.”

“I’m surprised you buried him so close to home.”

He shrugs. “It could never come back on Lex, she was in prison. And if it came back on me, I would’ve done my time. She was all I had at the time besides the club. If only she had come to me, I would’ve taken care of them for her. I never would’ve lost her.”

He would’ve as well. I fully believe him. But I say, “Life has a way of working out for the best. If you had gone to prison, you wouldn’t have met Evie. If Lexi wasn’t released the day I came to town, I wouldn’t have met her.”

Rolling his eyes, he says, “People only say shit like that when it’s worked out for them. It doesn’t work out for the best for a lot of people.”

“Well when we find her, life will always work out for her. I’ll make sure of it.”

“Yeah, I believe you. Besides, I’ll fucking kill you if you don’t.”

“What happened to you being on my side?” I laugh weakly.

“I said I was okay with Lex wanting you, but no matter how happy you are together, never forget she’s the reason I’ll call you family. I’m on her side, always.”

I don’t need the reminder. He points to the house. “It’s been getting dark for the last half hour, not a single light has come on.”
