Page 56 of Manik

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I shuffle in my seat, trying to bring my legs back to life. “Let’s go check it out. We’ve still got Bethany's brothers to check out.”

Silently, we emerge from the car and stealthily make our way across the street, seamlessly blending into the darkness like elusive shadows. We navigate through the side alley, meticulously counting the houses to ensure we approach the right one. Psycho takes the lead, gracefully manoeuvring over the fence, and I follow closely behind. The impact of my heavy boots resonates through the air as they make contact with the damp earth and unruly weeds below.

“You just met Lex’s ex.”

I find myself grinning. The fucker is long dead and while most people would say he didn’t deserve to die for cheating, he should’ve known better when going with a woman like Lexi and with a brother like hers.

Every window at the back of the house is shrouded in darkness and Psycho works quickly to pick the back door lock. We’re both inside and creep from room to room. There’s nothing that stands out. Not that I was expecting much, it would’ve been too helpful to see plans tacked up on the wall like in the movies.

“I guess we can tick off the father.”

Psycho’s response is inaudible, and we head back to the car. As soon as Psy starts the car, his phone pings with a message. Before pulling off, he reads it and I catch his shoulders relaxing a little. Please be good news.

“The club’s back.”

He drives off and I light a cigarette. This is taking too long. No one’s called. No one’s come to us with information. How can someone make someone disappear without a trace? But then I’m quickly reminded the man beside me is a master at it.



“This town is small as fuck. You think it’s possible she’s not around here anymore?”

“I think anything is possible. But you’re wrong. This town appears small but there’s plenty of places she could be.”

Then why haven’t we found her?

After indulging in one final drag of the cigarette, I extinguish it by flicking it out of the window. Eastford has succumbed to the cover of darkness, and this veil seems to ignite the simmering violence that pulses within me. The overwhelming desire to hold her, to possess her, consumes me entirely. With unwavering determination, I declare that she will be back in my arms before the break of dawn.

The moment we drive through the gates into the club, brothers are waiting for us. The only one I don’t see is Keys.

Chaos and Mayhem step forward. “Anything?” Chaos asks.

“Fuck all,” Psycho grunts and walks inside.

“Where have you been?” Mayhem asks me as we walk after Psycho.

I sigh. “Where haven’t we been.”

Inside, Psycho’s leaning on the bar as Keys hammers the laptop set up in front of him.

“He hacked into the local CCTV cameras…”

I cross the bar and take up on his other side.

“The nearest camera to Psy’s house is four streets away. I’ve been watching every road since your alarm went off. The only vehicle that keeps popping up is a black transit van.”

“Where does it go?” I snap.

“Haven’t worked that out yet.”

“Who is it registered to?”

“I’m waiting on that information to come back to me.”

“So apart from maybe a black transit van, you don’t know anything?”

I’ve been slowly losing my shit and now it’s coming full force. Pushing away from the bar, I slam my hand into the pillar to my left and kick out at the bar stool.
