Page 57 of Manik

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“Manik… we don’t need you blowing up. He’s doing everything he can…”

I hear Chaos but it’s not sinking in.

“Yeah, it’s not enough! Someone has her and is doing fuck knows what to her. We have fuck all!”

I would never raise a fist against a brother, so instead, I redirect my frustration towards the nearby pillar. As I strike it, the pain that courses through my hand becomes insignificant. My world begins to fucking constrict, leaving me feeling trapped and uncertain of a way forward. Suddenly, I am forcefully knocked to the ground, subdued by Riot who pins me down.

“Calm your arse and I’ll let you up,” he roars in my ear.

It takes everything I have to unlock and relax.

“Man, you’ve gotta keep your cool. Keep shooting that mouth and it helps no one,” Chaos tries to tell me, but I hear nothing.

Riot heaves himself off of me and holds his hand out for me to take. I take his help and come eye to eye with Psycho.

“If I’m to have you at my side, I need you whole. You get me?”

“This is bullshit, it’s been nearly two days and we have no fucking idea where she is or who has her!”

“You think I don’t fucking know that?” he growls deeply. He pulls me in by the neck. “We will find her, and she will be okay. You believe any less… then fuck off.”

He shoves me away and I storm behind the bar and grab a bottle of beer. I need to take the edge off.


“The Huxlington chapter has arrived.”

What? Brothers from home are here?

Moments later, Dodge walks in followed by Atley, Robin, Birdie, Nucky, and Scooter.

“What are you fuckers doing here?”

Dodge pulls me in and slaps my back. “Chaos called. You didn’t think we wouldn’t come riding when our brother needs us, did ya?”

I step back and nod. This is what the patch means. Never standing alone. Never having to live through Hell alone. At this moment, I’ll never be able to repay the patch for the family it’s brought into my life.

“What do you need us to do?” he asks.

“Brother, I just need her found.”

Their presence overwhelms me, and I bite down on my tongue to stop thinking about the worst.

The club is crowded and as I look around, brothers are on edge and tension is rising. Every hour Lexi isn’t found, the louder the voice becomes in the back of my mind. Screaming she isn’t coming home alive. It can’t go down like this, I’ve only just met her.

Yanking on my hair, I can’t imagine a life without her. I can’t even imagine a future if she’s not in it.

“Prez!” A prospect yells from the doorway. “The police are wanting to talk to Psycho.”

I’m on my feet and crossing the bar. Chaos steps in my way. “I know she means a lot to you but maybe let Psy deal with this?”

“Not a chance and if you make it an order, it’ll kill me to go against you.”

He nods and steps to the side. I catch up to Psycho as he gets to the gates and there are four officers broadening their shoulders from the other side.

“How can we help you tonight, officers?” Psycho calmly says.

He gives nothing away as to our situation and I force myself to remain calm.
