Page 125 of The Monster's Wife

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“You run—we chase.” Malice grins like maybe she didn’t understand the rules of the game.

“And once we catch you, we get to have our way with you,” I taunt, crossing my arms over my chest. “Better run fast, sweet fae.”

“Or don’t,” Silence adds. “Oh, yes. Rule one is we get to fuck you where we catch you.”

“Get moving, sweetheart,” Hex teases.

“I won’t even cheat,” Malice promises.

“You better not.” She points back at us as she retreats. “I want a two-minute head start.”

“Ticktock, times a wastin’.” I grin.

Ali smiles bashfully, making my heart race like it does every time I see her happy. She spins around, bolting for the back stairs, and we all break out into laughter.

I wouldn’t have picked anyone else to spend immortality with.
