Page 24 of Chased By the Leo

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“Mia bella regina,” he replies.My beautiful queen.

“Alright, you two. Get a room already,” Nico frowns. “Just because I gave my blessing for you to marry doesn’t mean you have to torture me with all of your lovey-dovey bull–”

Mia glares at him before he can get the curse word out.

“Stuff. Lovey-dovey stuff,” he corrects. Mia stands up and smiles.

“Basque, you can have my seat since you’re holding little miss spoiled,” she laughs.

“Thanks,” Basque says, sitting down beside me.

“Don’t they look cute together?” Mia asks Nico, who looks at us and rolls his eyes.

“I guess. Still don’t know what he sees in my bratty sister,” Nico smirks.

“She’s perfect to me,” Basque comes to my defense, smiling ear to ear. Probably because he knows it grosses Nico out.

Seeing how much closer they have become makes me happy. I always worried that my relationship with Basque would ruin Nico and Basque’s friendship; surprisingly, it did the opposite and I couldn’t be happier.

Sure, Nico is still a pain in my ass at times, but he’s my big brother. Someone I know who will always have my back… once he’s calmed down.

Just like I know Basque would move heaven and hell for Isabella and me. He’s the perfect husband and the best dad. Life truly blessed me by giving me the family I have.

“What are you thinking about, Beautiful?” Basque whispers, looking at me. I face him and smile.

“Just thinking about how lucky I am to be Mrs. Casserino… No hyphen,” I grin, making us all laugh.

