Page 83 of Ned

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“Get in and stay quiet.”

Then he shut the door on her.

Pounding at the door, and he knelt, aimed at the door. First man through would die.

And then everyone after that.

“Ve have your brother!”

He stilled. Closed his eyes.

“Open, or he dies.”

No. No.

“Ned, open the door!”

He glanced over and spotted Shae peeking out. Tightened his jaw. “Get back—”

The door slammed open, and he turned, pulled off a shot.

It hit a man in Kevlar, who went down, and then the men were on him, too many for him to fight—he got a hit in, then another, but they had him down, clubbing him, and then one of them tased him.

His entire body tightened, and for a second he thought his heart had stopped. He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move—

And then suddenly, air filled his lungs. But his entire body turned to fire, and he lay there, unable to move.

A big man flipped him over and zip-tied his hands. Then hauled him up and threw him on the bed. He still couldn’t move.

Sheesh, talk about helpless. He growled, though, fighting. C’mon legs. He could get out of the cuffs, but—

“Ver is she?” Big guy, hairy, black hair.


He got a fist in his face, blood pooled in his mouth. He spat it out at the man.

“Let us try zis—you tell us vere she is or you die.” The man pressed the barrel of Ned’s own gun to his temple.

Ned ground his teeth, shook his head—

“I’m here.” Shae pushed open the door. Stepped out. “I’m right here.”

The man smiled.

Then he grabbed Shae around the neck and pulled her to himself. She closed her eyes, but he shook her. “Look at khim!”

Her shoulders rose, fell, and she opened her eyes, staring at Ned.

He had his hands back, feeling returning to his arms. C’mon body,work.

And, wait—where was Fraser?

Oh no. Maybe they’d already killed him. He refused to go there, simply shut down the thought.

“You vant your voman to live?”

Very much, but he just stared at the big man.
