Page 84 of Ned

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“Zen ve make a deal.”

A deal. He could do a deal. His toes worked. If only he had his boots on— “What deal?”

“You get ze caesium back. Ze caesium you stole from us.”

He blinked at the man. What? “The caesium?”

“In Slovenia. You vere zere. Ve know. And ve know you can get it back.”

Actually, um, “I don’t know where it is.”

“Zen she dies.” The man tightened his hold around Shae’s neck. She ground her jaw.

“Fine. Yes, I’ll do it. I’ll find it.” He looked at Shae, then the man. “Let her go. C’mon, man, she needs to breathe.”

The man considered him a moment, then smiled.

And then he let Shae go.

She fell to the floor, hit her knees, then scrambled over to Ned. Tears filmed her eyes. “Ned—”

“Shh. Babe.” He had his hands now, but there were three in the room, all with weapons, and his chances of them both getting out alive— “I’ll do this. And then I’ll come back and I’ll get you.” He looked at Big Man. “Right? I do this, you’ll let her go?” He didn’t want to say a word about Fraser. Couldn’t actually think about Fraser. Not without something breaking inside.


A moment, then, “Yes. Ve vill let her go.”

Ah, not without a fight, but he’d cross that bridge later too. And Shae didn’t have to know that. He met her eyes again. “See? It’ll be fine. Just fine. Just…stay alive.” His voice broke as he said it. “I will come for you.”

“I love you, but—”

The man grabbed her, yanked her back. “You have three days.”

Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a phone. He tossed it on the bed beside Ned. “Three days. No call, hmm, no vife.”

Then he dragged Shae from the room.

Ned lay there, closed his eyes and listened to them leave, his chest raw and open.

Then he rolled off the bed, broke the zip ties, staggered to his feet and let out a sound that emanated from a place he didn’t recognize.

Or maybe he did. Once upon a time in a root cellar.

He leaned over, caught his knees, caught his breath, and tried keep panic from spiraling out.

Three days.

He scooped up the phone and headed out into the living room. Sasha lay on the floor of her entryway, a shot to her head, and he looked away.

At least Fraser wasn’t in the foyer with her, shot in the head. Ned wanted to look for him, but he was burning time.

Still, he stuck his head out the door, into the night. The yard was dark.

No truck.

No Fraser.

