Page 76 of Boss's Fake Wife

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“You got a warrant?”

He held it up smugly and said, “We dotted all our I’s and crossed our T’s.”

“He didn’t do it.” Emily suddenly ran into the room, and her voice sounded desperate. “I swear I was with him the whole time. He wouldn’t have had time to do it.”

“Be quiet,” I instructed smoothly because I didn’t like the way the cops’ attention switched to her. She was only wearing my T-shirt that hung to her knees. I saw Angel take in her state, and fury and betrayal filled his face.

“You—” he started, but I interrupted him.

“Let her go,” I said. “I’ll come with you.”

“No, she’s coming with us,” Angel insisted. He was still sneering at her. “Whore that she is, she’s still one of us.”

That was it. I attacked him.

Before they could even fire their guns at me, I spun around and had Angel in a chokehold. Then, I pressed him against me so none of them could get a clean shot.

“You dare call her a whore?” I growled. “When a coward like you would fucking set her up just so she would work for you. Because you were too pussy to come after me yourself.” Then, I whispered the next part, “Call her that again and see what happens to you, asshole.”



It was quite possibly the worst-case scenario.

Chris was choking Angel, who was turning purple with his eyes bugging out. He clawed at Chris’ hand, but Chris didn’t move. He just kept at it, cold and calculated.

“Stop,” I demanded, immediately running forward and tugging on Chris’ arm. “Stop. You’re going to kill him.”

He turned to me, and I saw the quiet fury in his eyes. “After what he said to you? Did to you? He’s better off dead.”

Which was the exact wrong thing to say when you were just accused of murder.

I could feel the tension in the atmosphere and knew it could go from bad to catastrophic real soon.

“Let him go, or we will fire right now,” one officer yelled, and I saw from his stance and face that he meant business. They all did.

“Get off him,” I hissed at Chris. “I don’t care what he said. His opinion means nothing to me.”

Chris didn’t look like he believed me, and frustration lit up my heart.

“Can’t you see they’re just looking for any excuse to kill you? Don’t give them a reason to do it.”

Chris stared down at Angel for another few seconds. And then, just as abruptly as he grabbed Angel, he released him, and he fell on the floor, gasping and clutching his throat. After a few shaky breaths, he got up and held his hands up, gesturing to the officers.

“Alright, come and get your job done,” he said.

The cops moved toward him cautiously as though approaching a wild animal. Chris, on the other hand, placed his gun on the ground and put his hands behind his back as though to help them out. They all just glanced at each other before one brave soul moved forward to grab his hands.

“I’m serious,” Chris said to me as they cuffed him. “Go to Chase. Don’t trust anyone else but him.”

His brother was the exact person I didn’t trust, but I nodded for his benefit. I didn’t want to trigger him again in front of the cops.

“She should come with us,” another officer said, eyeing me watchfully.

“She’s a private citizen,” Chris said. “You don’t have an arrest warrant for her, so there’s no reason why she should be included in your little game. Unless there’s something else thatyouwanted to say to her….”

At that, he cocked an eyebrow at Angel, who glared back. Probably because he knew Angel couldn’t admit I’d been part of the plan without revealing that he put a civilian’s life in danger.
