Page 77 of Boss's Fake Wife

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“Let’s go,” Angel said, tugging the handcuffs toward the door. Chris went willingly, for the most part, although he did tug back once to mess with Angel and push him off his feet a little bit.

And speaking of Angel, he held my gaze as he stomped out, letting me know that our business wasn’t over.

But that didn’t matter to me. I had bigger things to worry about, like the fact that someone was framing the love of my life for crimes he didn’t commit.

Once they were gone, I immediately grabbed the keys to the Camry and started the car. Chris once told me where Chase lived, and I instantly drove there, keeping an eye out behind me to make sure I wasn’t being followed. It was the most nerve-racking twenty-minute drive of my life, and by the time I made it, I was a bundle of nerves.

And that was before being confronted by a bunch of men mean-mugging me and standing around the car as I drove onto the compound,

“I need to see Chase,” I yelled instantly. “His brother sent me.”

“Emily.” It was Chase’s deep voice that pierced the air, and I saw him emerging from the hallway. “What’s going on?”

“Chris has just been arrested.”

His expression didn’t change. Did he already know about it?

“He’s being framed,” I insisted, because Chase may not be getting the urgency of the situation. “They said they found his DNA at one of the crime scenes. As if he would leave evidence behind twice.”

“Emily,” he said. “Maybe you should come inside.”

“No,” I announced urgently. “You need to get him a lawyer. We need to go over to the station right now and prove his innocence.”

“That’s not how this works,” Chase said. “And are you even sure he’s innocent?”

I looked at him like he was crazy. “Are you insane?”

One of the men standing with Chase frowned at me, but Chase merely smiled.

“He’s not an innocent man,” he said.

“I don’t care what he’s done in the past,” I grouched. “He’s not a murderer. He told me he wasn’t, and I believe him. Someone is framing him.”

I couldn’t believe I even had to convince Chase of this. It was so unfair that Chris believed in his brother so much, and yet Chase would doubt him like this.

But then Chase suddenly did something unexpected. He smiled and said, “Good.”

I was perplexed. “Good?”

“Yeah. It’s good you feel that way about him. Real good.”

And then I realized what just happened and why Chase seemed so lackadaisical about the whole thing.

He was testing me to know what my relationship with Chris really was.

And I’d just given it away.

“Whatever,” I scoffed, annoyed at being tested, but Chase simply smiled at my displeased look.

“Anyway, what do we do now?” I asked, getting back to the point. I ignored all the men who were muttering between themselves, gesturing to me, and nodding. They were not my concern right now.

All I wanted to do was save my man.

“Well,” Chase said, and a sober frown descended on his features. “It’s not looking good. I’ve been looking into any possible enemies, anyone who could be doing this, and so far, I haven’t come up with anyone.” That was what I was afraid of.

“What if I was able to get into the crime scene?” I voiced out loud. “Maybe figure something out.”

Chase shook his head. “Right now, the place is crawling with police officers. It’s not a good idea for you to go over. Besides, I have my guy on the force who‘ll tell me anything that’s going on.”
