Page 9 of Thunderstruck

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“I thought I told you to leave Allie the hell alone, asshole.”

He whips around and pales but his stupid bravado makes him say the dumbest thing to me he can.

“I thought you just meant for the other day.”

I lean in, snarling. “I meant until the day you die which is going to be a lot sooner if you don’t back the hell off.”

He steps back and grimaces. “Okay, okay. I get it. Jesus! Just trying to give the girl a good time. I didn’t know she was fucking you!”

Allie darts in front of me as I growl like a rabid animal and lunge at him.

“Nope! Calm down, Raymond!” She pushes at my chest but even that doesn’t stop me. I’m pushing her backwards as well.

“I’m gonna break you apart if you ever say anything like that again.” I hold onto Allie’s shoulder so my big body doesn’t take her down but even that doesn’t stop me. My free arm reaches around her and I’m intent on getting to the fucker.

Allie holds onto my arm and says softly, “Please let him go. It’s fine. Nothing happened and I’m capable of taking care of myself, Raymond. You gotta stop doing this. He’s just a pest.”

“Hey!” Smitty hollers, his mouth hanging open. “You don’t need to be rude about it. I’ll talk to the owner.”

“The owner knows you’re an ass and doesn’t appreciate you propositioning his employees! So go right ahead. You’ll be the one on the way out.”

Growling, I try to shove her out of the way and Smitty yelps and runs away.

“You really should have let me kick his ass.”

Grinning, she drops her hands. “Yeah, he’s not worth the hassle.”

I nod my head and drag my hands through my hair. “Has anybody, besides him, made you nervous today?”

“A few. I just don’t know why.”

“Let’s work on that later. Who are they?”

She points at a guy on one of the treadmills. “That guy. I don’t think he was flirting but he was asking a lot of questions.”

I watch him for a second, wondering if he’s my problem. He’s a big guy. My eyes measure him and my brows knit. “I don’t think it’s him. He seems bulkier than the guy on the camera.”

She turns around and her dark eyes narrow. “You might be right. Maybe he’s just a jerk!” She laughs and steps away from me. “Anyway, I’ve got to get back to work. I’ve got a new client coming in for a consultation. Wanting some one on one instruction.”

My head comes up and I look around. “Does that happen a lot?”

“It does. A lot of people need some initial help to get things started.”

“Okay. Well, I’m gonna go hang out by the wall over there.” I point to a spot that’s empty by the water bottle filler. “You let me know if there’s a problem.”

She rolls her eyes. “There won’t be.”

She strides off, her lush hips swaying and I glance around to find I’m not the only one watching her. I growl under my breath, realizing this job is going to be a struggle for me.

Picking up my phone, I call the captain. He’s running point on this one.

“Did we find out anything yet?”

“Yeah. The guy was good. No stray DNA, no fibers, no nothing on the body to show that he was around anyone else. We got a look at his calendar too and it showed that he had a meeting at the gym but not what it was or who it was.”

Frowning, I glance around the gym. “Sounds sketchy to me.”

“Yeah. I don’t like it either. You keep an eye on her at all times. She’s the only witness we’ve got and she seemed like she’d recognize him. Witnesses have a hard time with things like that.”
