Page 112 of Unexpectedly Mine

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“It seems a bit late for that, don’t you think?”

“I love your daughter.” The words fall out easily, but there’s also surprise because it’s the first time I’m admitting it to anyone. I’m finally admitting it to myself. “I love her.”

“You sound surprised.” He arches a brow. “Is this a new realization?”

“Yes,” I answer honestly.

“You didn’t love her when you married her?”

“No, not like I do now. I mean I imagined I could, but I didn’t expect it to get this far.” I hesitate, not sure if I should tell him more about the situation. If Emma would want me to.

He studies me carefully. I can see him processing what I’m telling him, drawing his own conclusion.

“I see. So it was a mistake?”

I nod. “But also it wasn’t. Everything I’ve done since the moment I put that ring on Emma’s finger is because I cared about her, I wanted to protect her.”

“Including coming here to pretend you were together.”

“Yeah.” I don’t know if it changes anything between me and Philip, but I feel better that he knows my intentions. It’s a weight off my chest. “And now, I just want her.”

He clears his throat. “I didn’t like the feeling that Emma would leave me and her mom out of such a big part of her life, but it seems she had her reasons that have nothing to do with us.”

He rubs his hand along his jaw, still processing.

My phone buzzes. I look down to see it’s a text from Emma.

“I’ve got to go meet Emma.”

“Do you mind if I join you? To celebrate?”

I smile. “That would be great.”

I wait by the door for him to gather his wallet and phone.

“Emma says you enjoy playing pool,” Philip says on our way down in the elevator. “I’m not much of a player myself.”

I chuckle. “Don’t even try it. She already told me about you.”

He claps me on the shoulder. “Well then when I beat you, it won’t be a surprise.”

* * *

When we get to the bar, it’s packed. But as I look closer, I realize I know a lot of the people here. Hunter is at the corner of the bar talking to Tanya and another guy that works at Premier I met last Friday. Andrew, I think.

Hunter sees me and comes over to say hello.

“Congrats, man. I bet you’re ready to celebrate.” He motions to the bar. “What are you drinking?”

“You’re here to celebrate?” I’m confused. I just told Emma I passed the bar thirty minutes ago.

“Emma texted,” he says. “Shit. Was this a surprise? Did I ruin it?”


Emma pops out from behind Hunter. “Congratulations!” She squeals before leaping into my arms. She looks gorgeous in a pale pink low-cut dress with tiny buttons down the front and strappy gold sandals. I hold her to me and kiss her deep. I get lost in our kiss, in her, until I remember that we’re in a room full of people. It’s amusing that before, we were trying to be affectionate enough to be believable as husband and wife, now I’m having to pull back because I’m having a hard time controlling myself when she’s around.

“What is this?” I ask when I finally release her.
