Page 38 of Wings of Deception

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Raphael stands from where he was leaning against the wall. “I think this one has an edging kink. She insisted we stay here and wait.”

With a laugh, Hayliel smacks him lightly on the arm. “It wouldn’t have been the same if you weren’t here. But now that you are … can we go?”

Her excitement is infectious as we walk down the hall toward the massive library doors gilded in silver, gold, and black.

“Holy shit,” Hayliel says, rubbing a hand along the molding.

As if on cue, Raphael and I each grab a handle and tug. The doors open to reveal rows upon rows of shelving and books, with ladders on tracks and large areas meant for collaborating with peers. Even I can admit it’s impressive. I try to come here every morning before breakfast and sometimes in the evening too, but I’ve barely scratched the surface of what’s inside.

“Guys … am I drooling? I think I’m drooling.”

Raphael moves a hand to Hayliel’s chin, then feigns disgust while he wipes his hand on his pants. Her eyes widen until she catches the smirk on his face.

“Ha-ha,” she replies, before focusing her attention back on the library. “Where do we even start?”

I know a few sections that might hold what we need, so I tell them to find a spot for us to sit and head over to grab a few books. I end up bringing an entire fucking cart back, loaded with books mostly on our history. If we can’t find something in here, we’ll read up on anatomy or power. Fuck, I’ll read a damn book on feathers if it helps her find answers.

We share a couch as we read. Raphael sits on one end and I on the other with Hayliel in between. The cushions are so deep that she can’t sit properly on them. At six foot three, I have no issues touching my own feet to the floor.

This couch is rather cozy, if I’m honest. But it’s cute to watch her try to find a comfortable position. She ends up pulling the coffee table closer, shaking off her shoes, and propping her sock-clad feet on it. I do my best to focus on the words inside my book instead of the warmth of her thigh against mine while she sits sprawled out with a pillow on her lap.

I shouldn’t be noticing these things. Not while knowing how my best friend feels. His friendship means more to me than anything, including the budding feelings I have for this gray-winged angel that seem to grow with each passing second. He’s a far better option for her, anyway. At least he’s normal.

My damage would only drag her down.

We make it through half the stack of books without a single helpful clue. These books are in too good a condition to be anything but rewrites, likely put together after the Archangels took over. It hurts to watch Hayliel’s excitement turn to defeat, but Raph and I try to reassure her that there is so much more to learn, and we’d be more than happy to help her.

Her slate pings a short while later. She stands, stretching. “I have to go meet Dina. Can you show me where to put these?”

“Leave them. We’ll take care of it.” My chest caves in a little. I’m not ready for her to leave just yet, or Raphael, even. I know myself enough to guess that I won’t be getting much sleep tonight. The nightmares will claim it from me.

She bends down to put her sneakers back on. “Are you sure?”

“Positive. We’ll walk through the stacks next time, though, deal?”

“I’ll hold you to that. Thanks for today. And if what they said really is true, please be safe.”

“Fly straight home, sunshine,” Raphael calls to her as she heads toward the exit.

With her gone, we fall into silence, either caught up in the texts or our own thoughts. I slam another book shut, annoyed not to have found anything that could help her. Raphael does the same, placing his own on the table before grabbing a new one off the shelf, but he doesn’t open it.

“We’ll find something eventually, Theo. It’s clear we both have feelings for her. It’s not like either of us will give up until she finds what she’s looking for.”

My breath stutters as I take in his words. He doesn’t sound upset or worried. He says the words like my hidden feelings are an obvious fact more than anything else. Even so, I can’t help but worry.

“Raph, I didn’t … I wouldn’t …”

“Theo, it’s fine. Hayliel is special. It would take a fool not to fall head over heels for her.”

I grab another book off the cart instead of responding. What would I even say? There’s no denying it now. He clearly knows me better than I expected, though I’m not exactly certain why I doubted him in the first place.

Raphael doesn’t push the subject. He opens his own book, skimming the table of contents before flipping ahead. I try to concentrate on my own research, but I can’t move forward until I get this off my chest.

“You’re right. I have developed feelings for her. But I would never act on them. This isn’t some sort of competition between us to see who she picks. You’ve been into her from the very start and I just want you both to be happy,” I tell him, knowing full well she wouldn’t be happy with me. Maybe in the beginning. But my baggage is too heavy, and it wouldn’t take long to drag us both down.

“Maybe she wouldn’t have to choose. After everything I’ve seen from her since school started, it’s clear she’s not a prude. Fuck, I’ve seen the way she looks at you, Theo. Maybe she’d accept us both.”

I stop halfway through flipping a page.Maybe she wouldn’t have to choose.It’s not unheard of for angels to date multiple people at once, but most of those are all Pure relationships. Hayliel is battling enough disdain from the other students already. If she started dating multiple people, wouldn’t that just cause more shit?
