Page 40 of Wings of Deception

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“I definitely considered ignoring it, but you texted, so.”

Theo heads further into my room, taking a seat on the sofa chair. “Worried it might be your grumpy house captain?”

“Archangels, no. He wouldn’t approach me even if I were on fire and he held a hose.” The words are a joke, but I can’t help the sting they cause. Theo looks like he’s going to say more, but he’s interrupted before he can.

“Hayliel, Hayliel, Hayliel. Did you really lock yourself in here to read this trash?” Raphael holds up the newsletter I’d left lying on my bed, the look on his face reminding me of a scolding parent. It’s kind of adorable.

“This one actually isn’t too bad. Seems our new friend Gagiel had a few words to say.” I watch as my two friends huddle over the paper, scoffing at the mention of Temperance and Cadriel and smiling when they reach the end.

“This deserves a celebration! We were already coming to whisk you away to the beach, but now we have a reason to drink this bottle of wine I snagged from the staff fridge.”

“How did you … actually, no. I don’t want to know.” It’s only then I notice the swim trunks they wear, and the towels draped around their necks. How the hell could I have missed those?

Raphael opens my closet, spying the new bathing suit Dina bought me as a welcome gift. She called it a one-piece, but I think a bikini has more coverage. “Here. Put this on, and then we’ll head out.”

He tosses it to me, and I’m seconds away from putting it back when I stop myself. Would it really be so bad if I wore this? It’s only Raphael and Theo with me, after all. I walk to the bathroom, determination pushing me forward as I change into the incredibly revealing bathing suit.

With a glance in the mirror, heat rises to my cheeks and my nipples pebble at the slight chill in the air. Or maybe it’s the thought of what the boys on the other side of the door will think when they see me. I check the back once more, making sure my ass isn’t hanging out too far, and then open the door.

Raphael whistles low, biting his fist as if to stop himself from doing anything else. I watch as Theo swallows hard, the muscles of his jaw working like he desperately wants to say something but holds himself back. I can’t help the zing of triumph that flits through my body.

I grab a tank top and pair of shorts from my closet, pulling those on over my bathing suit before looking at the two attractive angels in my room. “I’m ready,” I say, my voice coming out more breathless than I intended.

A few students mingle near the fountain or the fire pit as we fly the short distance from Fallen house to the beach. Luckily, when we land on the wooden dock, it’s only the three of us. I glance at the spot where Raphael and I had our picnic, my stomach fluttering at the memories.

“Are you coming?” Raphael asks, and the smirk on his handsome face tells me he knows exactly where my mind just went. From the heat in his gaze, I bet his thoughts were there too.

Instead of answering, I run down the dock, ripping my clothes off as I go and tossing them behind me. When the guys notice what I’m doing, they rush to follow until we’re all racing toward the water. Raphael jumps in first, followed by Theo, and then me. I blame their damn long-ass legs.

The water isn’t frigid, exactly, but it isn’t warm either. The air tastes of fresh salt and driftwood, reminding me of the one time my family visited a beach when I was younger. We’d joined Dina and her family on a weekend trip to the coast and had the most magical time. But that was before her father knew of my unique trait.

Not allowing myself to linger on such sad thoughts, I tread water and focus on Raphael and Theo where they wrestle amidst the waves. Raphael pushes Theo beneath the surface, the ocean mirroring the blue of his irises and making my breath catch. Suddenly, Theo breaks free and forces Raphael down, holding him under with muscles far more prominent than I expected to see from his lanky frame.

Desire pools low in my belly, but I shake it off. These are my friends, not my boyfriends, so I shouldn’t be ogling them with such desperation. When Raphael finally pops up, I whip around in a circle, splashing both of them before diving beneath the surface and swimming away.

Things are different now, and while I may not be able to fully ignore the lustful thoughts racing through my mind, these two angels accept me for every ounce of who I am.

Why shouldn’t I have a little fun?

Hours later, I land on my balcony mere seconds before the curfew deadline. Despite the sand that covers my legs, I couldn’t have had a better day. Happiness bubbles up inside me as I press my wings to the small sensor. Only when I move to open the door, it doesn’t budge. What the fuck?

I try again, giving the task my full attention, but still the door doesn’t unlock. An error code flashes across the screen three times before disappearing. The number means absolutely nothing to me, and my breath hitches as panic settles in my gut.

I send a quick message to the group chat with Raphael and Theo, fumbling over the letters with my shaking hands.

Raphael: Shit. We programmed our wings to your sensor while you were changing.

Theo: Not for any creepy reason, just in case of emergencies.

A laugh escapes me, though it sounds more hysterical and crazed than anything else. I like the idea of them having access to my dorm. I only wish I’d known this before curfew.

Raphael: I’ll head over now. Maybe mine will still work.

Hayliel: Don’t be silly. It’s past curfew. I’ll just use my key.

Theo: Let us know when you’re safely inside.

I smile despite the shitty situation. The guys are always looking out for me. From day one, I knew I could count on those two. I only hope my outcast status doesn’t make things harder for them.
