Page 15 of Twice as Twisted

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“It’s fine, really. There’s about ten more in the cupboard.” I set down my glass of wine and opened the pantry door for the broom. I closed the door and turned to see Kostas hovering close behind Judas and Jeno, hissing words into the space between them. His hands were clasped tightly around the backs of their necks, and Judas watched me from under his lashes. His face full of rage.

Jeno’s eyes were closed, and once Kosta’s grip released; Jeno stood and left for the back door. Judas stood as well, only much slower. His chest heaved, but he remained silent. When he turned, he came eye to eye with his father, both in a dead stare. Kostas tried to grip Judas’ shoulder, but Judas threw off his arm.

Kostas walked to me and took the broom, kissing me lightly on the cheek. “I’m sorry, I’ll get this.”

“I really don’t mind. I grew up with two siblings. We always made sure the house was clean before my father got home.” I absentmindedly bit my thumbnail, the anxiety of keeping a spotless home as a kid flooding back.

“Well, what I really want right now… is for you to get into our bed and get completely naked.” His charming smile washed away the memory, and compliant as I was, I did what he told me.

My Dad can be such a fuckingprick.

I wanted to fight back. I wanted to stand up to him and tell him to just back the fuck off. But I didn’t. I sat there like a bitch and just took it. I didn’t stick around to see what Judas’ reaction was. He never properly handled any situation in his life; he always picked option A when it clearly was option B.

Deep down, I knew this was why mom had left us. Why she found everything she needed in life, not with us. Dad’s temper. He wasn’t that bad when we were younger. Every once in a while, they would fight, but things took a violent turn when my Yia-Yia died.

It was like a piece of him died, too. He started drinking more. A lot more. That’s when he started putting his hands on us. It was the reason Judas had run away so many times, caused constant trouble, and been in police custody on multiple occasions. I just preferred to act like it didn’t happen.

Maybe that’s why I liked to read so much. I could escape into another reality and live an entirely different life. For hours. The dramatic kitchen scene ended abruptly, and I retreated to my appointed room, tail slung between my legs. I thought these types of fights were a thing of the past. Judas slammed the front door hard enough to shake the entire house.

I walked to the end of my hall and into my room. It was twice the size of my old room. It had everything I never had growing up. The bed was light blue and grey, a soft thread count that I knew must have cost a small fortune. A small, built-in bookshelf under the window frame made me smile. The idea of filling it with my book collection. My room was at the end of a long hall of polished wood floors and right next to the bathroom. Unfortunately, it was also across from the master suite.

I flicked on the bathroom lights and took off my glasses. I stared into the mirror, eyes red rimmed and face slightly puffy. From the time I was ten until this very day; my father would chastise me for crying. He would call me a girl, a wuss. The only remedy I could come up with was hiding it. I cried in private and took cold showers.

Alyssa’s voice made me turn off my electric toothbrush. I listened. I still don’t know what it was about her exactly. That was so damn captivating. She was gorgeous. There was no doubt about that. Her blue eyes and black hair created this illusion of an angel and devil combined. Two opposite polarities that had somehow melded together.

“Oh, yes. Like that.”

Her soft moans went straight to my cock. And I stood there, one hand on the sink and one around the toothbrush in my mouth and listened intently. The smack of skin-on-skin groans and sighs. I could hear the headboard smacking the wall over and over.

This is sick, you can’t listen to that!

But I wanted to.

Kostas was just showingoff for his newest possession. Well, fuck him and fuck her.

She was in for a ride, and she didn’t even know it yet. I just wish she wasn’t so goddamned sexy. How a woman almost twice my age looked that good was beyond me. My mind couldn’t even wrap around the idea. All I could think about was her toned legs wrapped around my body. I wanted to hear what it sounded like to make her come.

I shifted gears in my beat-up Wrangler, hammering it into fourth and doing well above the speed limit on the highway to Sacramento. I could show up at Leo’s house at two in the morning, and he wouldn’t mind. We would fall right back into the habits of our younger days when we would share a bed and call it friendship.

A two-hour drive became a little over an hour if you were speeding. I pushed the jeep as hard as it could go and still made it there before midnight. I rang the buzzer for Leo’s apartment complex, praying he had tequila. I really wanted a shot of tequila. The front entrance door opened, and I made my way up the stairs. The red carpet was worn and dated, but what did you expect from government assisted living in America.

Leo opened the door with a hand on his hip and a crooked eyebrow. “Seriously? You love to just show up when you please and do what you please.”

“You know you love me. You know you’re happy to see me. Don’t even lie.” I threw my keys on the small table by the door. Leo was parked in front of the small TV will a bottle of Olmeca Altos and a bag of hot fries.

“You’re lucky I’m up. And you’re lucky you’re such a sexpot.” He leaned back and against me. I put my long arm around his shoulder and tucking him to me. He was watching the dating show Love Island, and two of the women for fighting over a guy that was playing them both.

“I will never understand why people go on these shows.” Leo shook his head and set down the chips on the table, pouring me a shot. I took it, then took two more.

The next thing I remembered was Leo’s hands down my shorts and running up my stomach. We kissed; we took shots off each other’s bodies. We travelled down memory lane and laughed until we cried. We finally dragged ourselves to his bed, and we were clumsy, drunk. Our mouths bumped together, and we fumbled to get our clothes off. I lowered my face to his lap, his dick swollen and hard. I took the head into my mouth, sucking gently at first, but then swallowed the shaft until it hit the back of my throat.

“Fuck, yes. Oh God, that feels so amazing. I’ve thought about this for years. Oh, fuck!” He was groaning now, and I could feel his balls tense and squeeze. I was distracted, though. Suddenly, Lyss’ face appeared. She was calling me Daddy, and I was punishing her. I punished her for being engaged. I spanked her for shoving her fingers into her filthy cunt while Leo and I watched. Then Leo was there, watching me fuck her while he fucked me.

The image must have made my head bob faster, my sucking harder. Leo cried out, grasping my hair, and spilling down the back of my throat. I kissed up his belly, flicked his nipple with my tongue, and met his lips.

“I think, I have feelings for you. I think I want to be with you. I just miss you so much when you’re not around.” He touched my face, giving me those eyes again. My stomach knotted. I had wanted this, and even after getting it; I was thinking about someone new already.

Maybe there was something wrong with me. Maybe my mother and father had been so cold that I couldn’t love another person. The thought of being tied down to Leo made me feel sick and anxious.
