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“You don’t understand,” the young man said, his eyes refilling with tears. “I just…I just wanted…”

“What? To get laid?”

“No!” he cried, but then a second later, “Yes! It’s not fair, Serenity. Back at the canyon, the ukkur won’t let the human men near the women. And even if they did, you’ve seen what the other guys are like back there. A guy like me, I’d never have a chance…”

“So you betrayed the ones who saved your life and doomed hundreds of people to die just so you could get your dick wet. Not to mention that your offspring, your ownchildrenwould literally be food for the nith. You’re sick, Patrick.Sick.“

The young man just stared sullenly at the floor.

Serenity shook her head. “But maybe the sickest part is that you thought I would actually go through with it. You thought I would actually have sex with you after everything you’ve done.”

Patrick murmured something that she couldn’t quite hear.

“What was that?”

He repeated himself, louder this time.

“I said, you won’t have a choice.”

No sooner had the words left his mouth than a deep, debilitating ache clenched in Serenity’s core. Her nipples stiffened, her skin broke out in goosepimples, and beneath her loincloth wet warmth spilled from her sex.

She doubled over in agony. A horniness so deep and intense it hurt.

What the fuck? What was happening to her? It definitely wasn’t Patrick. She wanted nothing to do with that sick bastard, except perhaps to strangle him to death.

Another wave of crushing need swept through her body. It was an intense arousal such as she’d experienced in the dream of her nameless ukkur warrior. Only this was no dream, and her savior was nowhere in sight.

Serenity’s muscles went slack, sending her crashing to the floor.

That’s when her eyes went to the pitcher of water in the corner.

She’d been drugged.


Serenity was sprawled on her back on the cold metal floor. Overhead, the glowing ceiling panel beat down on her with its glaring white light.

She had no clue what kind of drug the nith had put in that water, but whatever it was, it was strong stuff. In addition to the urgent, needful clenching in her core, her muscles were almost completely debilitated, leaving her at Patrick’s mercy.

In her peripheral vision, she saw the young man rise from where he was sitting and stroll toward her. She was so out of it, she couldn’t even raise her eyes to glare at him hateful. She only saw his bare feet padding across the metal floor.

“Just try to relax,” Patrick said. “I promise I’ll be very gentle.”

Now Serenity wished she had beaten the shit out of the bastard when she’d had the chance. All this time, he’d been putting on the front of being a nice guy, but deep down he was no better than the three men who had assaulted her the night before.

Serenity wanted to spit in his face, claw his eyes out, strangle him. But her body was having none of that. She was all but incapacitated.

And then there was that awful, pulsing need in her center. The desperate need to be touched, penetrated, bred. She didn’t want to do any of those things with Patrick, but her body was no longer her own. She was lost in the throes of the drug.

Impotent rage surged through her nerves. With a great effort, she managed to choke out two words to the man standing over her.


Above her, Patrick chuckled. It was an ugly, bitter sound that made Serenity’s skin crawl.

“Yeah,” Patrick said. “That’s exactly what you’re going to do.”

Serenity’s eyes were still focused on Patrick’s feet, which were planted just a few feet from her face. She couldn’t move her head to look at anything else. Something fell and hit the floor with a soft rustle of leather.
