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Patrick’s loincloth.

Serenity shuddered.

Fighting was useless at this point. No amount of willpower would give her drugged muscles the strength to fight back. She steeled her nerves and tried unsuccessfully to shut off her mind for what she knew was coming.

“I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time,” Patrick said, still standing above her.

The prick was taking his time about it. The awful anticipation was torture. Serenity almost wished the bastard would hurry up and get it over with.


But before Patrick had a chance to touch her, a noise came from beyond the metal wall of the cargo hold. A deep animal bellow the likes of which Serenity had never heard before.

That sound sent a shiver of fear tingling down her spine.

“What the hell was that?” Patrick whispered.

For a long moment, the only sound was the faint buzzing of the energy field that enclosed them, then the roar came again, closer this time.

Much closer.

Something like an explosion rattled the ship, and beyond the shimmering force field, the metal bulkhead of the cargo hold buckled under the impact of a massive object.

Serenity gasped.

Patrick whimpered.

The bellow came a third time, guttural and terrible. This time, there was no doubt that whatever the thing was, it was right outside of the ship. Serenity had heard rumors about the alien beasts that roamed this planet—the enormous aboliths with their double set of fangs and bornags with their razor sharp tusks.

Another impact. The bulkhead dented in even further.

Whatever the animal was out there, it was huge, and unbelievably powerful.

The alarm system blared to life, a piercing sound that made Serenity wince in pain. Red lights strobed through the dark cargo hold.

The next impact came without a roar or warning. Instead, there was a shriek of rending metal as a section of metal paneling the size of a small car tore away from the bulkhead, leaving a gaping dark hole to the night beyond. A hugely muscled figured tumbled inside, knocking over a stack of crates in its path.

A smell filled the air, permeating through the energy field that surrounded the two human prisoners. It was a smell that Serenity recognized instantly, at once masculine and bestial.

The smell of ukkur.

Her ukkur.

The alien warrior rose to his feet. God, he was so tall.

His eyes gleamed in the flashing red lights as he briefly appraised the situation inside the energy-field cage. Then another brutal roar erupted from his straining throat. The sound reverberated through the enclosed space of the cargo hold, and Serenity felt it vibrating into the very core of her bones.

He had come for her. The warrior had come for her. She didn’t know whether to be grateful or terrified.

Patrick, on the other hand, faced no such quandary.

He screamed like a stuck pig.

The ukkur slammed his huge fists against the forcefield. Concentric ripples of energy radiated outward from the impact points, but the shimmering wall of energy held.

With an annoyed grunt, the ukkur dropped his eyes and scanned the floor. His gaze stopped on the thick insulated cable snaking from the base of the cage to the outer bulkhead of the hold.

Without a moment’s hesitation, the alien warrior grabbed the cable and ripped it apart.

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