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Hruk immediately charged around the side of the boulder, and the human yelped in surprise.

Serenity was crouching with her knees splayed apart, and Hruk got another good look at that pink slit between her legs. Memories of the previous night flooded back into the ukkur’s mind. Memories of burying his face in that inviting cleft, lapping the female’s tangy juices.

His cock thumped with renew desire

“Ey!” Serenity shouted.

She was glaring at him. Her eyes flashed with anger and her cheeks colored with embarrassment.

“I need to watch you,” Hruk grunted. Then he added, “To make sure you are safe.”

Truthfully, that was not his only reason for watching. He was curious to see how the female made water considering she didn’t have a piss stick. Did it come out of the hole between her legs, then? That tight little hole that Hruk had penetrated last night?

He couldn’t tell because the human was not going. It seemed she was too embarrassed to go with Hruk watching her.

She snarled a few words that Hruk did not understand, but hedidunderstand her swirling hand gesture.

Serenity wanted him to turn around.

Hruk sighed. He glanced around the shady space between the boulders and saw that there was no danger. No animals. Nothing on the ground but some dust and a few smooth pebbles.

Very well.

Hruk turned around to face the opposite boulder. His own bladder was aching, so he decided to relieve it. He lifted his loincloth and whipped out his piss stick. His member was still half hard from looking at that perfect pink cleft between Serenity’s legs, and he had to wait for his arousal to diminish before he could piss.

At last his water started to flow, darkening the boulder in front of him. Hruk grunted with satisfaction.

From behind came the patter of Serenity’s urination.

Hruk could not help stealing one quick glance over his shoulder.

Interesting. Hruk had not realized it last night, but the female actually had a second tinier hole for pissing. How the rot had he missed that?

“Ey!” she shouted when she saw him looking.

Hruk turned away, facing the stone. He finished up his business and waited until the sounds of trickling water behind him had subsided before he turned around again.

“Better?” Hruk asked.

She nodded. Hruk gestured for her to come forward so he could lift her onto his shoulder again. As enjoyable as the cool shade was, they needed to get moving. They needed to get back to the canyon as quickly as possible.

Serenity obeyed. She took a step toward Hruk.

A small movement near her feet caught the ukkur’s eye, and his heart lurched past a beat.

It was a zlorge.

Lying motionless on the ground, the slug-like creature had appeared to be an ordinary stone. But now it reared up, revealing its dark underbelly, glossy with slime and a single bone-white fang dripping with venom. It was less than a finger’s breadth from Serenity’s naked heal.

There was no time to warn the human. She would not be able to react quickly enough.

Hruk had to act.

In a blink, the ukkur stepped forward, grabbed hold of Serenity’s shoulders, and swept her off the ground. She gasped in surprise, oblivious to the reason for Hruk’s action.

An instant later, he felt a searing pain like a white hot nail being driven into his ankle. The zlorge had bitten him.

Hruk kicked his leg to one side, crushing the creature against a boulder. The zlorge popped with a loud splat.
