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Jagga kneeled before her. Even on his knees, he towered over her. His muscular frame blocked the firelight, and his shadow fell upon her like a spell of domination. His nostrils flared as he drank in her scent. Down below, his loincloth bulged with his growing arousal.

Serenity suppressed an urge to whimper.

Jagga’s gaze held hers for a moment, then his eyes made their way down her body, settling at last on her pelvis. Serenity’s hips were twisted to the side, hiding her nakedness behind one thigh.

“Show it to me,” Jagga demanded.

Part of herwantedto show him. She wanted to feel the heat of his eyes gazing on her forbidden places. But she hesitated. Even after everything she had been through in the past days and months, that old deeply ingrained sense of propriety was not easy to shed.

Or perhaps she simply wanted Jagga toforceher to show him. To physically compel her. Later, she could tell herself she had no choice in the matter.

If so, she got her wish.

“Show it to me,” Jagga repeated. There was no menace in his purring voice. He did not need to threaten her. They both knew that her feminine body was no match for his masculine strength. The ukkur would see what he wanted, would take what he wanted.

Jagga reached down and clasped Serenity’s right knee. Reaching around from behind, Grodd’s even bigger hand took her left knee.

Together, the two ukkur parted her legs.

Serenity gasped as she felt the warm forest air between her open thighs. God, she was so wet down there. Much wetter than she had even realized. The pungent bodily scent of her arousal billowed around them. There was no question that both of the ukkur smelled her.

Jagga’s eyes widened. His pupils, which had narrowed from gazing so long into the fire, now dilated to full black.

His loincloth jumped, and Serenity caught a brief glimpse of the thick shaft and heavy testicles underneath. Behind her, she felt Grodd’s stiff member prodding her back.

Her teeth bit her lip, stifling a moan of desire.

She was spread out. Totally exposed. Not one inch of her was hidden from Jagga’s wandering eyes. She felt his gaze on her skin like a physical touch tracing slowly and thoroughly over every fold, every drop of dew.

Against her will, her arousal doubled. Her sex throbbed with heat, and her wetness seeped from her hole, trickling down her taint and pooling around her naked bottom.

“Gods,” Jagga groaned. “It’s…it’s beautiful.”

Serenity’s face flooded red at the compliment. Something fluttered in her chest. Her nipples grew hard as pebbles.

“Please,” she whispered, not exactly sure what she was begging for.

Jagga didn’t even hear her. His entire consciousness was laser focused on Serenity’s exposed and weeping vulva. His free hand moved forward and touched her there, and a sharp cry of intense pleasure burst from her lips.

“Beautiful,” Jagga murmured, his voice distant and trance-like.

The ukkur explored her, rubbing his fingers up and down the length of her slit, separating her wet folds. Serenity arched her back and moaned as Grodd held her steady.

At last, Jagga drew his fingers away, glistening. He raised them to his face. He sniffed them. Licked them. Sucked them clean.

“Delicious too,” he added.

“Yes,” Grodd growled from behind. “Delicious human.”

Grodd’s free hand moved to Serenity’s breast, kneading her soft flesh. She resisted at first, but only briefly. The big ukkur groaned with satisfaction, and his hot breath stirred her hair, sending goosebumps washing over her arms and legs.

Serenity’s mind told her this was wrong. Last night she had done all those dirty things with Hruk. Now here she was with two more ukkur whom she barely knew, and they were touching her most intimate places.

Jagga touched her again at the apex of her open legs. He teased her clitoris and slid his index finger down her slippery cleft.

His fingertip found her hole.

“Wait,” Serenity gasped.
