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She said the word in her own language, and Jagga did not understand. But even if he had understood, would it matter?

His fingertip pressed beyond her entrance.

Serenity moaned.

The campfire shifted and crackled.

And then another sound came. A deep bellowing roar that seemed to shake the very trees of the forest. That roar was so loud that it pained Serenity’s ears, making her wince. It was a sound she had heard before.

It was Hruk.

The wounded ukkur was awake. And he was not happy.


Serenity cut her eyes toward the dome-shaped animal skin tent where, until a few moments ago, Hruk had been passed out and convalescing from his zlorge bite. The ukkur appeared to have made a full recovery. The flap of the tent was thrown back, and the ukkur was crouching there, his bulging muscles sleek and taut like a panther about to pounce. His dark hair hung wild around his face, his tusks glinted menacingly, and beneath his angled brows his eyes burned with animal fury.

He lookedterrifying.

And though Serenity was ashamed to admit it, he looked sexy as hell.

She’d had more than her fair share of inappropriate thoughts over the past couple of days, but this one had to take the cake. The situation was teetering on the verge of an all out fight between three dangerous ukkur, and here she was admiring Hruk’s body.

Her mind was just getting mixed up, that was all. Grodd was still holding her, massaging one of her breasts, and Jagga was kneeling over her, his fingertip inserted in her sweltering sex. Now she was transferring all of those sensual feelings onto the violence that was about to erupt at any moment.

And erupt it did.

With another deafening roar, Hruk exploded forward from the tent. He collided into Jagga with an awful crack, like two boulders slamming together. The impact was mere inches from Serenity’s face.

Unprepared for the attack, Jagga was sent tumbling. His leg crashed into the campfire, scattering the burning logs and sending up a violent shower of orange sparks into the darkness overhead. He growled and twisted away before he got burned.

In a flash, big Grodd was on his feet. He released Serenity’s body, and she slumped onto the ground, suddenly feeling weak and dizzy.

With a roar that matched Hruk’s in loudness and ferocity, Grodd stepped over Serenity’s body and charged toward the other ukkur.

Hruk saw him coming. He grabbed a half-burnt log from the fire and swung it like a club. The burning end connected with Grodd’s head, sending out an explosion of glowing embers.

Grodd grunted. The blow stunned him, and he began to topple backwards.

Serenity realized he was going to come down right on top of her.

Her heart jumped.

She rolled sideways just in time, and Grodd’s weight crashed down beside her, shaking the ground with the force of a felled tree.

Towering over the fallen ukkur, Hruk raised his makeshift weapon, preparing to bring it down on his enemy, but Jagga, recovered from his fall, pounced like a leopard and landed on Hruk’s back, catching the dark ukkur around the neck in a stranglehold.

Serenity was unable to do anything but lie there and watch, stunned.

The three ukkur were fighting over her.

She knew that should not turn her on.

But what Serenity’s mind knew and what her body felt were two different things. The air around the camp was thick with the scent of the feral ukkur combatants. Pungent and bestial. Their masculine pheromones invaded her body, dominating her nerves and glands. She was helpless to resist the flood of hormones coursing through her veins, stiffening her nipples and her clitoris, stippling her skin with goosebumps, and drawing forth desperate needy sounds from her quivering lips.

The males were fighting to the death.

To the victor would go the spoils.

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