Page 11 of Cowgirl Omega

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Red Riding Hood flounced back onto the stage, and her reappearance was greeted by more enthusiastic shouts and whistles from the crowd. She waited for the men to settle down again before speaking her lines.

“Granny, I’ve brought some milk and cobbler for you.”

“Put them on the table, little lady,” a deep voice answered from the bed, eliciting a peal of laughter from the crowd. “You must be cold from your journey through the woods. Come get into bed with me, my darling girl.”

Red Riding Hood set her basket on the table and walked toward the bed, but just as she was about to pull back the covers, “Granny’s” voice rumbled again.

“Hold it right there, little lady. You ain’t going to get into bed with all your clothes on, now are you?”

“Oh, howsillyof me!” the woman said in a breathy voice.

The organ music shifted to a sultry tune, and Red Riding Hood began to dance seductively as she slowly and deliberately disrobed. The crowd roared with excitement, and a few small scuffles broke out as men tried to push past each other to get a closer look. By the time the dance was over, the only thing the woman had on was her red hood and cape. She gave a twirl, and the cape lifted, giving the crowd a glimpse of her bare bottom.

Something glimmered on her lower back—a shining, spiral-shaped emblem, like a golden tattoo.

The woman had a sign too.

She was an omega!

Shannon’s heart skipped. This whole situation had just become incredibly precarious. Most of the men in the crowd were betas, but there were some alphas down there too, and there was no telling what they might do when they caught the omega actress’ scent.

“Don’t worry,” Tanner McBain whispered, apparently sensing Shannon’s anxiety. “She’s beenmarked, see?”

The actress pulled off her scarlet hood and tossed it out into the crowd, and now Shannon could see what Tanner was talking about. Someone had done a good job of covering it with makeup, but they hadn’t hidden it completely—a crescent-shaped bite mark on the skin between her neck and her shoulder. It must have been put there by the alpha playing the wolf. He must have been her mate.

Then Shannon saw there was another mark on the other side too.

Two marks. Two mates.

Shannon shivered. She knew she should leave, but something wouldn’t let her.

On stage, naked Red Riding Hood was climbing into the bed, much to the delight of the crowd. She pulled back the top edge of the quilt, revealing the wolfskin head-dress the alpha was wearing.

“Oh my, Granny, what thick fur you have!”

“The better to keep you warm, little lady.”

She pulled the quilt back even more, revealing the alpha’s upper body, including the gold of his alpha-sign, and Shannon caught herself wondering where on his body Tanner McBain wore his sign. She quickly pushed the thought from her mind.

“Oh my, Granny,” Red Riding Hood said. “What big muscles you have!”

“The better to embrace you with, little lady.”

The alpha wrapped his arms around Red Riding Hood’s naked body and pulled her close, crushing her bare breasts against his chest. Meanwhile, lower down, something was tenting the covers. Red Riding Hood pulled back the fabric to reveal the alpha’s lower body. His fur loincloth was gone, and his erect manhood was jutting straight up in the air, huge and throbbing and red. Something fluttered deep within Shannon’s core.

“Granny!” Red Riding Hood cried. “What a bigcockyou have!

“That’s right, little lady! The better to fuck you with!”

The crowd erupted as the alpha flipped the woman onto her back and mounted her. She cried out for help and made a big show of fighting him off, but as his enormous member gradually disappeared into her body, her shouts of terror gave way to moans of pleasure that did not seem entirely theatrical.

Shannon watched in amazement, unable to drag her eyes away from the stage. She had heard rumors about the shows that took place here in Rosie’s theater, but she had not expectedthis. She could scarcely believe that she was watching it.

And with an alpha sitting right beside her.

Arousal throbbed between her legs. It had never completely gone away while she was in Tanner McBain’s presence, but now it was growing, spreading. She needed to leave, yet her butt was welded to her seat.

Suddenly, a loud bang echoed through the theater, like the sound of metal striking wood. A second bang soon followed, then a third. A section of the backdrop exploded outward in a shower of splinters and a puff of white smoke. The crowd gasped and shouted in surprise.
