Page 12 of Cowgirl Omega

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A man stepped through the drifting plumes of smoke. He was dressed like a woodsman, with suspenders, a flannel shirt, and a dense black beard. One of his huge fists clutched the helve of an axe. He was every bit as tall and brawny as the wolf-man, and there was no question in Shannon’s mind that he was also an alpha—and the omega’s other mate.

“My poor girl!” he bellowed. “I heard your cries for help!”

With a snarl, the wolf-man leaped off the bed and flew at the intruder. The woodsman swung his axe, but the wolf-man caught it, and the two huge alphas struggled with each other in a test of strength. The crowd went wild, some men cheering for the woodsman, others for the wolf.

Then a shrill howl brought the theater to silence.

On stage, both alphas stopped wrestling and turned toward the source of the sound—the naked omega kneeling on the bed. She tossed back her head and howled again like a coyote in heat, then she fixed her hungry gaze on the woodsman.

“My good sir,” Red Riding Hood said. “You misunderstood what kind of help I was begging for. Now you two stop fighting over me and get in bed. There’s more than enough for both of you.”

The huntsman dropped his axe to the stage, and with a savage roar he tore away his clothing, revealing a member that was every bit as long and hard as the wolfman’s.

If the first part of the show had shocked Shannon, what happened next left her completely mortified. She watched in disbelief as the two alphas climbed onto the bed and claimed their omega at the same time, penetrating her from both ends like an animal impaled on a spit for roasting. It was awful, barbaric… but she couldn’t look away. She seemed to lose all sense of time as she watched the debauchery play out.

Then she heard Tanner McBain’s voice whispering beside her, soft and deep and full of hunger.

“My third and final term, Miss Duffy: When the job is done, and we get back to Lamentation with our firestone, me and Logan get to have you for one night. We get to share you the way those alphas are sharing that omega on stage.”



The woman’s hand moved so fast, Tanner McBain didn’t even see it. He sure as hell felt it, though. Her palm struck his cheek with a surprising amount of force—enough to turn his head halfway around—and when he turned it back again, the seat beside him was already empty.

Shannon Duffy was gone.

Tanner surged out of his chair and rushed to the door at the back of the theater box, which was now standing open. He stepped out into the dimly lit hallway.

The Duffy woman was already a good ten paces down the corridor, her boots stomping angrily across the wooden floor, her dark hair streaming out from beneath her weatherbeaten cowboy hat like a banner of black silk.

Tanner could have caught up with her easy enough. As an alpha, he was quicker than just about anything, except maybe a snakeman. He considered running after the woman, apologizing to her, convincing her to come back to the theater box with him to talk.

But he didn’t do any of those things.

Tanner McBain wasn’t the type of man who went chasing after women. If anything, it was the other way around.

He watched her go, loving the way her long hair shone in the dim glow of the oil lamps as she passed—and hating the way her long duster hid her backside from his eyes.

Once she had disappeared around the corner, he lingered for a moment, listening to the sound of her boots fading away, then he went back into the box and dropped heavily into his chair.


Now that the cowgirl was gone, Tanner could think a little more clearly, and he had to admit he probably had been a bit out of line with that last demand. Shannon Duffy wasn’t like the other women he was used to. Despite her rough and tumble appearance, she was a sensitive woman on the inside, soft and delicate as a cactus rose. He should have known his usual, somewhat blunt method of seduction wouldn’t have worked with her.

God, what a woman.

Tanner flared his nostrils, searching for some lingering wisps of the woman’s scent, but he found nothing. How strange. A woman like that must smell likesomething.

Tanner slid out of his seat and dropped to his knees in front of the chair that the Duffy woman had recently vacated. He lowered his face to the cushion where her butt had been pressed less than a minute before, and he drew a deep inhalation into his lungs.


What the hell? How could that woman have left no trace of her scent behind? It was impossible.

She was hiding something. Tanner had sensed it from the moment he’d started talking to her. She was hiding something about herself, and she was hiding something about that ranch of hers too.

He intended to find out what.

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