Page 34 of Pretend With Me

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“Yeah, I’d like that too.” Make that two lies. I’d ask Mama to say an extra prayer for me at church this Sunday.

“Okay, well,” he started, rising from the chair. “I’ll let you get back to work. I’d offer to help, but I’m totally useless when it comes to technology.”

I forced out a wheezy laugh, standing on wobbly legs.

“Thanks for checking on me, and for the latte.”

We said our goodbyes and the door closed behind him, leaving me alone with my shame and thoughts. I stood shell-shocked for a few minutes, then walked to the bathroom and dumped out the rest of the latte, throwing the empty cup in the trash with unnecessary force. My feet steered me to the desk where my phone sat. Pulling up the group text Maxine, Jin, and I used for work, I typed out a quick question.

Me: What’s my favorite coffee drink?

Maxine: Caramel macchiato, all day e’ry day.

Jin: With an extra shot and extra caramel drizzle when you’re on your period. I hate that I know that.

Maxine: Why do you ask?

Me: No reason.

Their quick responses grounded me in the knowledge that there was a whole world outside of Beacon Hill, a world I was a part of, and where people cared about me enough to know something so small.


My emotions felt raw and exposed the rest of the week. The surprise visit from Macon was a reminder of why I hated coming back here, and of the old Sutton who felt like she was always swimming against the current of other people’s expectations. The only blessing was that I didn’t see Sissy. Even the thought of orphaning the piglets and the knowledge that I wouldn’t do well in prison might not have stopped me from strangling her. If Sissy were a normal human, I would have assumed that her absence was due to remorse, but remorse was not in her vocabulary.

I briefly debated canceling an early dinner date with Cam on Saturday, but by the time Friday rolled around, the new Sutton was determined not to let Sissy’s actions dictate her life anymore. It was this determination that propelled me through the diner’s doors at four-thirty Saturday afternoon to meet Cam. Her head lifted at the sound of the door opening and a wide smile appeared when her eyes landed on me. I waved, making my way to her booth.

“Hi, Sutton,” she greeted me as a I slid into the wine-colored vinyl seat. “I’m so glad you were able to make it today.”

“Me too,” I responded honestly. “Thanks for agreeing to an early dinner.”

Cam’s husband worked one Saturday a month, and this had been his weekend shift. Normally, I would have suggested we make plans for a weekend he didn’t work, but Daddy was doing so well with his recovery that I was headed back to Savannah the next day. I needed to get back to my real life and the office. We’d met for dinner so he could get home and watch the kids.

“It’s not a big deal at all,” Cam reassured me, waving her hand. “They’re Paul’s kids too, and he really does love spending time with them.”

“How did you two meet?”

“It’s a pretty great story. I mean, I know I’m probably biased, but it really is objectively great. He was doing a rotation in the emergency department, and I needed stitches after a kitchen incident. I’ll spare you all the details of the incident for both our sakes. I showed up at the hospital with my hand wrapped in this gigantic towel.” She chuckled, reliving the moment as she was talking. “All the blood was making me lightheaded, but I was trying so hard to play it cool in front of the hot doctor. He unwrapped the towel, and I immediately fainted. He had to catch me before I slid right off the bed. I woke up in his arms. Best accident of my life.”

“That is an objectively great story,” I agreed. “It sounds like the beginning of a romantic comedy.”

“Right?” She passed me one of the sticky laminated menus sitting on the table. “This menu hasn’t changed in twenty years, but just in case you need to look it over.”

I took the menu, giving it a quick scan.

“Sutton Buchanan! Is that you?” Mrs. Thomas exclaimed, walking toward our table with a wide smile on her face. “Well, look at you! All grown up and in the flesh!”

“Hi Mrs. Thomas,” I said, my eyes busy taking in all the changes age had wrought. “It’s nice to see you again.”

“I almost didn’t believe it when Cam said you were meeting her for dinner! I hope this is the first of many visits.” She reached out and affectionately squeezed my shoulder. “I’ll let you two catch up. You both want your usuals?”

“Yes, ma’am,” we responded almost simultaneously.

“All right, one BLT and one chicken salad croissant coming up. Sutton, don’t leave without saying goodbye.”

“I won’t,” I promised, sliding the menu across the table. I would have been surprised if it had been anyone else who remembered my order over a decade later, but I had told Mrs. Thomas many times that the diner had the best chicken salad on this planet. In fact, one year I’d asked if I could have her chicken salad for my birthday dinner. Mama was salty about it for weeks.

“So tell me everything,” Cam said. “What have you been up to besides avoiding Beacon Hill?”
