Page 99 of Pretend With Me

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I hadn’t fought for the life I’d wanted back then. I had let Sissy chase me away. I didn’t want to be that scared, broken girl again. I didn’t want to be the girl who ran. I wanted to be the girl who stayed and fought.

I squared my shoulders and marched back to his office, throwing the door open. I was vaguely aware of Janet scurrying to the door and pulling it closed, giving us privacy for what was sure to be a scene.

Sissy was adjusting her dress from where it had gotten twisted during whatever it was I had interrupted, while her other hand attempted to clean up her smudged lipstick. My hand itched to reach out and slap her. The only thing that stayed it was the knowledge that this was Holden’s place of work. Holden was shoving his hands through his hair, tugging at the ends viciously. My eyes took in the devastation written on his face. I wanted to go to him, to comfort him but I resisted the urge.

I advanced on Sissy, letting her smug expression fuel my rage.

“You aresuchan evil bitch.” I stopped so close to her that our chests were almost touching. With her impossibly high-heeled shoes, I had to tilt my chin up to look her in the eye. “I want you to stay far, far away from Holden. I have absolutely no idea what you’re trying to pull with him right now, but it’s not happening. Holden is a good man and he would never, ever cheat — butespeciallynot with you, and not on his brother. This is the last time I ever find you alone with him or I swear to God, Sissy, I will destroy you.”

Sissy rolled her eyes, taking a small step back to more easily glare down at me.

“You’re so dramatic. I just came by to thank him for covering Macon’s cases so we could enjoy our honeymoon a little longer.”

“Yeah, I honestly don’t give a shit what you’re doing here or how exactly you planned on ‘thanking’ him.” I resisted the urge to throw the still-hot coffee on her; instead, I took a step back, pointing to the door with my free hand. “I want you gone. Now.”

She narrowed her eyes and stepped closer, re-closing the distance between us.

“You don’t think I know what you’re doing? God, you’re so pathetic. I can’t believe we’re even related.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, and I really don’t care. Get. Out.” I ground out the last two words, jabbing my finger toward the door again for emphasis.

“It’s sad, really. I almost feel bad for you,” she continued, ignoring my command and holding up her left hand so the fluorescent lighting reflected off the obnoxiously large diamond ring. “You spent your whole life with a crush on Macon, and he hardly even knows you exist. You’re just my dorky little sister to him. That’s all he’s ever seen you as. He was always nice to you just to get to me, but you ate up whatever scraps he threw your way. Then I married him, so you had to settle for Holden, because he’s the closest thing you’ll ever get to Macon. And are you really naïve enough to think Holden would ever actually date someone like you? He’s just killing time with you until something better comes along.”

Her words hit me like shards of glass, each one inflicting a small wound on my heart. Each word was a nail in the coffin of whatever relationship we’d once had or would ever have. Anything I had ever felt for her was quickly replaced by sadness, and I realized that I pitied her.

“That’s a super interesting theory.” I hated every single tear that escaped against my will. They were angry tears, but I knew she would see them as a sign of my weakness and her victory. “Unfortunately for you, the only opinion in this room I care about is Holden’s. So, again, do yourself a favor and get out before you embarrass yourself anymore.”

Her expression changed from that sly grin to one of anger, her mask slipping when her words didn’t have their usual effect on me. I had stood up to Sissy twice in my life and both times had ended with me running away in tears. She didn’t know that the last remnants of that girl were long gone.

She turned, giving me her back.

“I’ll see you later, Holden.” With those words, she brushed past me, knocking her shoulder into mine so hard that coffee sloshed out of the hole in the lid, spattering my hand and wrist. I was too numb to even feel its burn.

My eyes sought out Holden, whose presence had largely been forgotten during the confrontation. He was standing in front of his desk, hands shoved in his pockets watching me with a wary, hopeful expression on his face.

“I’m so sorry,” I started, taking tentative steps toward him. “This was not the surprise I had imagined. I just wanted to bring you coffee and wish you luck.”

His head reared back, eyes widening.

“You’re apologizing tome? Sutton, my God, you have absolutely nothing to apologize for!I’mthe one who should be apologizing. I swear to you, Sutton, I swear, nothing happened or would have happened. I was trying to get her off of me when you opened the door. Please, baby, please tell me you believe me.”

I furrowed my brow, extending the cup of coffee to him. “Of course I believe you. It was just a shock. I never once thought you might actually be cheating on me with Sissy. Not even for one second, Holden.”

The look of relief on his face was instantaneous. He set the coffee on the corner of his desk, arms reaching to me but stopping short of their goal.

“Can I touch you? Please, I need you in my arms, but I understand if you need space right now.”

“Holden...” I stepped into his arms, sighing as he tugged me even tighter into his embrace. My body sagged against him, the adrenaline leaving me. “I’ll never not want to be in your arms. I meant what I said. I know who you are, and you’re a good man.”

“She was wrong, you know. I’m not just biding my time with you until ‘someone better’ comes along. No one could be better than you, Sutton Buchanan. I have no idea what I did to deserve you, but I am so thankful you see something in me that’s worth fighting for.” He leaned out of the embrace, one hand leaving its spot on my back to tilt my chin up. His eyes searched mine, fingers wiping away the errant tears running down my cheek. “I love you. It’s probably not the best time to tell you that, but I do. I love you so goddamn much.”

The smile that spread across my lips was so wide that it stretched my tear-stained cheeks. Those words were a healing balm to each wound Sissy’s words had inflicted.

“I love you too.” I stood on my toes, pressing my mouth to his, tasting Holden and the salt from my tears.

The soft kiss deepened, Holden’s hands finding their way to the sides of my face like he was still afraid I might run. So I poured my heart into that kiss, trying to tell him without words how much I loved him.

“You know,” Holden said when we finally separated, “you were incredible. I was prepared to throw Sissy out myself, but you were spectacular. I’m proud of you.”
