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Ignoring her question, I cross the room toward Alaric. By the looks of it, he was attacked by looters. His body is bruised badly, and there are too many knife wounds to count. Ellia already removed most of his clothing, exposing the deep cuts. He’s losing blood too quickly.

Dropping to my knees beside Alaric, I raise my hand over his body, holding it flat as I call my magic to the surface. I’ve used my healing powers only a handful of times. It drains my power reserves to next to nothing, but I must save my friend.

It’s my fault I didn’t get here sooner. This wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t chosen to stay in Fire Court, hovering over Adeena and arguing about stupid shit.

Warmth spreads across my palm as magic rises to the surface of my skin. A golden aura illuminates the dim space around us as I begin moving my hand over his body.

“It’s too late,” Ellia cries beside me. “You’re too late.”

“I’m going to try,” I say as I concentrate on my friend’s wounds, not breaking focus as the magic spreads across his body. “He’s a fighter. You know that.”

Ellia goes quiet as she sobs beside me. Razvan is carrying Braylee around their little house, trying to keep her occupied and happy. He knew exactly what his mother needed.

Gold dust rises from Alaric’s body, swirling around his wounds as the magic spreads. I can feel my power reserves nearing empty, but I push on.

I focus on the deepest, most obvious wounds first. The cuts on his chest stop bleeding and then begin to close. I think he’ll live if the blood loss isn’t too much. He’s healing quickly, but human bodies are so much more frail than fae, and that makes his odds unfavorable.

Ellia folds her hand over Alaric's wrist, checking for a pulse. Her eyes widen, raising to meet mine. “It’s working. His heart is getting stronger.”

I sigh in relief, closing my eyes for a brief second while I try to maintain control over my healing power. My power reserves are almost dry, and I’m having a hard time staying awake.

I must save my friend.

“Dreyden, that’s enough,” Ellia nudges my hand as I begin to lose consciousness. “Dreyden,” she repeats.

“Just a little more,” I whisper through tired lips.

“He’s going to live. You need to stop, Dreyden. You’re hurting yourself.”

Still, I continue to empty every drop of my power into him. This is my fault, and I can’t have him in pain because of me.

“Dreyden!” she shouts, but her voice is lost to the void of blackness I’ve slipped into.

* * *

A ragingheadache pounds through my head, extending down my neck and spine. I feel like I’ve been thrown off the Fire Court cliffs while blackout drunk. It’s comparable to a wild night out and the killer hangover that follows the next morning, but at least ten times worse.

I raise my hand to my head, covering my eyes from the candlelight beside me.

“He’s awake,” I hear Ellia’s words from across the room.

Little hands grip my arm before I hear his young man-boy voice, “You saved him.”

I remove my hand from my eyes to see Razvan kneeling beside me. The room is dark around us, only lit by candlelight. Reality floods back to me as memories of the day clear from my foggy head.

“Where is he?” I gasp as I sit up.

I must have fallen asleep after healing Alaric. How Ellia moved me across the room to this cot on the floor, I’ll never know. Maybe Razvan is stronger than I’ve given him credit for.

“I’m fine,” Alaric snaps from his matching cot across the room.

“You’re not fine,” Ellia scolds. “Neither of you are fine.”

Alaric laughs through a painful cough, “I’m alive, aren’t I?”

“I feel great,” I groan as I try to stand, but I fail as I fall back onto the cot. My muscles are too weak to stand and I’m too dizzy to see straight. I look around me, realizing how dark it is outside. “I need to get back to Fire Court. Adeena must be worried sick.”

Or, maybe not. She’s the one who told me to leave. She said I wasn’t needed there.
