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Ellia hands me a glass of fresh water as I find my balance in a sitting position. “You won’t be going anywhere tonight. You’re too weak to travel and after draining your power reserves like that, I doubt you could portal home even if you tried.”

I groan at both my headache and my frustration. Ellia is right. I can feel how depleted my power reserves are, even after sleeping off most of the day. I’m too weak to stand up. There’s no way I’ll be able to open a portal tonight.

My only option is to stay in Northford with Alaric and his family tonight. Adeena likely won’t even notice I’m gone, and if she does, she won’t care.

I hate myself for reading my gut feeling incorrectly. If I’d been here early this morning none of this would have happened. Alaric would have been safe under my protection and his family wouldn’t be traumatized by his near-death experience.

“What happened?” I ask, watching Alaric from across the room.

“I waited for you, but after you didn’t show I decided to make rounds by myself. With the supply locations being nearly empty yesterday morning I knew I had to risk it. That little girl we saw in the street doesn’t have many more days without food… and I know she’s not the only one. I had to go.”

It really is all my fault. He’d waited, but I hadn’t shown. I’d failed not only my friend but the people of Tartarus in their time of need. Visions of the starving girl in the tattered pink dress flood my head, and I feel nauseated by my decision to spend the morning in Fire Court. I’d failed a child.

The regret in my voice is clear as I apologize to Alaric. “I’m so sorry. I had a gut feeling something was wrong today, but I thought it was going to be in Fire Court. We have ‘lost’ travelers showing up in groups, and they’re acting weird around Adeena. I thought she was in danger, but I read it all wrong and it was you in danger. I should have been here.” My eyes leave Alaric to find Ellia. “I’m so sorry,” I say as we make eye contact.

Regret builds a boulder in the pit of my stomach as I sit there, watching Alaric’s beautiful family. I’d nearly destroyed this family with my selfishness. Ellia is heavily pregnant, nearly ready to birth a child, yet she’s exhausting herself as she takes care of me and Alaric. It should beuswaiting on her hand on foot, not the other way around.

“You both need to take the day off tomorrow,” Ellia says to both of us as she rubs her round, tired belly. “You can return to Fire Court in the morning when your strength has improved. I made a hearty stew while you were sleeping. It’ll heal you right up.”

Handing me a bowl of rich stew, Ellia shoots me a warning glare, silently threatening me if I try to leave. I’m not going anywhere tonight. This is where I need to be.

The bowl of stew feels warm in my hands. Carrots and potatoes float around the thick broth, steaming alongside the chunky cuts of beef. “It looks great. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Now quit talking and eat up. You look exhausted.”

And I feel it. I’ve never drained my power reserves that low, and now I know why. Alaric is worth every painful second of it, though. Without my friend, Tartarus would fall deeper into darkness, and I’m not sure how I’d survive knowing this family lost its father.

After downing two huge bowls of stew, I’m feeling much better but ready to fall asleep for the night. Alaric made it through three-fourths of his bowl before falling asleep. Ellia was annoyed, but we both knew he needed to rest. Humans heal at a snail’s pace compared to fae, and Alaric has an extensive amount of healing to do even with my intervention.

“If you ever do that to him again, I’ll never forgive you.” Ellia’s voice is calm but cold at the same time as she rocks in a chair, nursing Braylee to sleep.

“I won’t. You have my word,” I speak quietly, trying to not disturb Braylee as she drifts into a world of dreams. A better world.

Chapter Eight


Today went smoother than I could have hoped for, and I couldn’t be happier about it. Without Dreyden breathing down my neck, I was able to get so much done. The legion camp is fully set up, complete with housing tents, an outdoor kitchen, a dining room in one of the largest tents, and several washrooms. I’ve directed some of the castle staff to assist the lost travelers with laundry.

The lost travelers worked tirelessly alongside the legion to be prepared by nightfall. We took breaks to eat, but most of the day was spent getting the necessities set up.

Throughout the day, more lost travelers found their way to the castle. I estimate we’re housing close to fifty of them now, and I already know Dreyden won’t be happy about it when he returns from Tartarus. But what am I supposed to do about it? Helping these people get settled in and providing for their basic needs while they have nothing feelsright.

I feel a little bit more like myself for the first time in a very, very long time. My head feels clear and after my meltdown this morning, I feel a little less emotion. I’m not as on edge as yesterday, and I think it’s because these people are filling my cup.

Funny and sweet, the lost fae travelers make me smile while filling my heart with the best feeling. All day long they came to me, seeking guidance and instruction once they’d finished a task.

Dreyden said they’re creepy and look at me weird, but I think they’re looking for a friend. Someone to lean on while they’re trapped in this state of confusion.

It’s clear this isn’t a case of falling and hitting one’s head. This is far beyond that, and there’s more at play here. The healers check over each lost traveler as they arrive but can’t find anything physically wrong with them, and they aren’t sensing a spell cast over them.

My suspicion is that it’s a powerful spell, more powerful than anything the healers have seen. But why? Why would someone wipe the memories of so many people? What could they have possibly done to get their memories taken from them?

Then it hits me.

Or what could they have seen?

I’ve been mulling it over, and I don’t know how to get to the bottom of this. The travelers are arriving from all directions, not just one traceable location we could follow back to the source. Izan sent out several units from the legion, but they couldn’t find any pattern produced by the lost travelers. It’s like they’re dropping out of thin air and then wandering toward the castle. I don’t know what to make of it, but I’m determined to get to the bottom of it. These people need answers, and in my heart, I know I’m the one that’ll find them.
