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Lyra decided to join me in dining outdoors with the lost travelers, and I couldn’t be more grateful to have a friend like her.

She’s kind, intuitive, and considerate. She’s always there when I need her, and she knew I needed her this evening when Dreyden didn’t show up for dinner.

Thea and Revna have their plates full right now with nearly fifty guests, but they’re somehow managing to keep up. We’ve been served a buffet-style feast.

“Mmm,” Lyra moans as she chews a mouth full of roasted chicken. “I don’t know how they do it, but each meal Revna and Thea make is even better than the last.”

All I’ve managed to eat today was the chocolate muffin Revna left for me after my breakdown. I watched the lost travelers eat earlier this afternoon, but I was so caught up in talking with these people I completely forgot to feed myself. My stomach hadn’t growled until now as I watch Lyra stake bites of chicken with her fork and then slide them through thick brown gravy.

Unable to wait any longer, I pick up my utensils, cutting into a juicy slice of roast. Before bringing it to my mouth I scoop up a forkful of creamy mashed potatoes to go with it. It steams on the way to my mouth, filling my nose with the most savory scents. My eyes roll back slightly as I inhale deeper, making my mouth water and my stomach growl even louder.

I wrap my mouth around my fork, slowly sliding it out between my lips as I take in the bold flavors dancing across my tongue. “They always use the perfect amount of rosemary in the roast,” I moan between bites.

Lyra and I sound like we’re getting off to our plates full of food, and honestly, it doesn’t feel that far off. Fire Court food is like nothing I’ve ever tasted, and it only continues to get better as the months go on.

Someone slides a plate containing two slices of cheesecake between me and Lyra, prompting us to look up at the same time.

Arryn stands across the table from us, grinning from ear to ear. “You both mentioned your love for cheesecake earlier. They just brought it out and I knew I had to snag you each a slice.”

My heart skips a beat, and I hear Lyra suck in a gasp as her heart does the same.

Formal as always, Lyra praises Arryn for his gift, “That was thoughtful Arryn. Thank you for remembering.”

I nod in agreement. “You worked your ass off today, and now you’re spoiling us with cheesecake. What did we do to deserve this?”

His eyes light up, revealing how much he loves the acknowledgment “What did you do?” he raises a brow at me. “You’ve doneeverythingfor me. Not only for me but for everyone here.”

Several people eating behind Arryn hear our conversation and join him in thanking me.

“You’ve saved us,” one woman says.

“We don’t know what we would have done without you,” the man beside her says.

They begin applauding, joining in one at a time until there are nearly fifty people surrounding me, clapping together as they shout my name in praise.

“Lady Adeena!” they yell, sending chills down my spine.

No one has ever called me “lady” other than Dreyden. The words leaving their lips spark excitement, and it feels like something has snapped into place, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.

These people need help, and I’m there for them. Now, they’re looking at me like I’m their leader, and I can’t say I hate it.

I’m kind of loving it.

* * *

Thunder crashesoutside my cathedral windows, jolting me awake as it shakes the entire castle. Lightning flashes, assaulting the night as it lights the land. The water glass on the stand next to my bed vibrates as the thunder rolls through.

My heart pounds as I gather my senses, glancing around the room as the electric currents illuminate the room around me.

There’s no one there, but dread washes over me.

It’s the middle of the night and the rain is coming down in thick sheets. It’s impossible to see more than a few feet outside of the windows.

I feel for Dreyden next to me, but he’s nowhere to be found. I pull the plush comforter back to be sure he’s nowhere in this massive bed.

He hadn’t shown up for dinner, but I assumed he was working off steam in Tartarus while he was hurt and mad at me, but what if it’s more than that? What if something happened to him?

Panic strikes me, forcing my body to move.

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