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We’ve been over this a hundred times, and it’s the same conversation over and over again. Alaric believes my high title comes with a high reward, but that’s not always true. I can’t dictate what the other courts do and I can’t drain my own court dry to help a fallen kingdom on the other side of the continent. I bring what I can from Fire Court, but we both know it’s not enough. I can aid the people, but I can’t supply an entire kingdom on my own.

“At a cost,” I sigh. “These things all cost the courts both monetarily and materially, and there’s no reward. The Wychwood Forest shields them from the chaos ensuing over here. It allows them to turn a blind eye to what’s really going on. It’s not fair, but I don’t know what else to do.”

“That’s the game, isn’t it?” Alaric’s voice is more somber than normal. “These kingdoms play the ranks, stabbing each other in the back when it’s convenient, only offering aid when there’s a reward working in their favor. There’s no room for charity work in the game of politics.”

He isn’t wrong, and that’s what pains me the most.

As High Lord, it’s my duty to protect my people at all costs, and Tartarus does not fall under that blanket. I can’t take supplies from my people, depriving them of what they’ve always had and known. I’ve taken what won’t be missed, but if I take more it’ll impactmypeople. The very people I swore an oath to protect and serve.

If I deprive them to help a kingdom most of my people have never been to, what will they think of me? What will be the consequence of putting another kingdom above my own?

The answer is clear. I’d be overthrown by my own people, kicked aside, and forced to leave. They’d send me running back to Tartarus, and Tartarus would be worse off than if I’d just continued doing what I’m doing now. My weekly supply drops would cease, and there would be zero assistance from Fire Court. Famine would take the people, and few would survive. There would be no coming back from it.

I must be smart. There are risks and rewards with everything I do, and regardless I must maintain the balance. Fire Court has put their trust in me, and I can’t let them down.

I turn to Alaric, offering him a pathetic smile to lighten the mood. “We’ll figure it out.”

“We’re running out of time,” Alaric scoffs as we finish unloading the supplies.

He has never said it directly, but I know he holds judgment against me for not doing more. I wish I could do more, but I haven’t figured out a way yet.

We finish our supply drops by mid-morning. Each drop-off location was completely empty, so Alaric and I have decided we’ll do a second drop-off this afternoon. The plan is for Alaric to rest up while I portal back to Fire Court for more supplies. It should only take me a couple of hours to check in on Adeena and gather supplies.

Standing in Alaric’s kitchen, I dig into a warm cinnamon roll. My eyes flutter to the back of my head as I sink my teeth into it. “I’ll meet you back here as soon as I’m done filling the portal with supplies. Rest up while I’m gone.”

“Oh, he will. Neither of you should be going anyway,” Ellia scolds. “Your power reserves are still too low,” she says to me before turning her anger toward Alaric. “And you, sir, need to rest. You’re not fully healed and you’re doing your body a disservice by abusing it like this.”

She was enraged as soon as Alaric mentioned we would be going back out this afternoon. I understand why she’s upset, but after seeing the empty shelves inside each supply drop, we knew we needed to be doing more. We finished earlier than normal, which left plenty of time to do one more drop this afternoon. We’re doing what we must.

Alaric rolls his eyes from across the kitchen. “I’ll be fine.”

Ellia says nothing as she glares at him. She’s being protective of her lover, and I can’t blame her for trying to stop him.

“See you in a few hours. Thank you again, Ellia,” I say as I hold up what’s left of my cinnamon roll.

Once outside, I open a portal back to the front lawn of Fire Court.

I exhale loudly, trying my best to release the tension I’ve been holding over Adeena. Shaking my hands at my sides, I let go of our fight as I step inside.

We need a fresh start today.

Chapter Ten


White light filters through the slits of my eyelids. It stings my sensitive, tired eyes, and I clamp them shut, rolling myself deeper into the plush feather comforter. Its warmth wraps around me, pulling me back toward a deep sleep I desperately need.

Loud voices outside my door force my eyes back open, and reality sets in. I gasp for air as I sit up.

My eyes immediately land on the cathedral windows lining the walls of my bed chambers. I’d meant to sleep for an hour or two, but by the look of the sun, I’ve slept through the morning and high noon is quickly approaching.

“Fuck,” I curse as I swing my legs over the side of my bed, then race toward the doors.

My hands land on the handles of the double doors, and I pull them open with all my strength. They swing so hard that they slam into the wall on both sides, and I hear the wall crack under the pressure. I’m still not used to the super-human strength that came with becoming fae.

I’m immediately blocked by Izan’s broad body, his hand raised like he was about to knock on my door.

“Where is he?” I ask, frantically peering around Izan’s shoulders in search of my mate.

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