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The woman turns on her heel and then walks back up the stairs, following Adeena through the castle doors.

Izan remains by my side, waiting for my approval of Adeena’s plan before assembling the legion. “Are you okay with this?” he asks as soon as she’s far enough away she won’t hear us.

Running my hands through my hair I sigh, “Yes. I don’t have an alternative plan and we need to figure out what’s going on. Do you have any other ideas?”

A frown turns his lips upside down. “No,” he shrugs. “I don’t have a plan that won’t royally piss off Adeena.”

I don’t either. My instinctual reaction is to send all these people away, back to wherever they came from, but I know Adeena won’t let that happen without a fight. Additionally, I need to know why these people are here and who sent them. There’s more at play than this many lost fae showing up at my castle doors.

I don’t know who’s behind this, but I’m going to find out.

“Get the legion out here and get these people set up. I saw some children amongst the crowd and we need to make sure they’re fed. I’ll be inside with Adeena and that woman. I’m sure Adeena is already questioning her.”

Izan nods, “I’ll keep you updated throughout the day.”

“Thank you,” I say as I walk back inside the castle, leaving Izan to babysit at least ten thousand people.

Knowing Adeena, sheverylikely took that woman to the dining hall for some food. She can’t let guests go hungry, and I’m sure that’s the first thing she asked the woman when they entered the castle.

I follow the long hallways down to the dining hall, listening to the clack of my boots echo off the marble floors as I walk. It’s eerily quiet here compared to the chaos ensuing in Tartarus, and sometimes it sends chills down my spine knowing how good we have it here. It’s not fair to the people of Tartarus.

Adeena’s soft voice drifts down the hall, warming my insides as I get closer. A smile reaches my lips as I listen to her laugh and talk. She’s easy to talk to and she gets along with just about anyone. The conversations she can strike up with a complete stranger blow my mind, and it’s not a talent I possess. Although, I can’t say I put much effort into talking with people I don’t know.

I round the corner to the dining hall, and my eyes immediately fall upon my mate seated at the dining table, casually munching on some green grapes as the woman beside her eats leftover roasted chicken.

Adeena’s eyes meet mine and a radiant smile lights her face. She waves me over, gesturing to the seat across from her. “Come in. We were chatting and getting something to eat while we waited for you.”

I raise an eyebrow, unsure why she would have waited for me when this was going to go her way regardless. Crossing the room, I try to be friendly as I ask, “What is your name?”

The dirty blonde, silver-eyed woman raises her eyes from her plate as I take a seat across from her and Adeena. “Edlynne, sir,” she says as she lowers her head, respectfully bowing.

At least she has manners. That’s more than I can say for the rest of the fae outside.

Adeena leans forward in her chair, focusing on me. “Edlynne was telling me she doesn’t know how she got here, or why there are so many others outside.”

“So whatdoyou remember then? You mentioned Zeus coming to you in a dream. What happened in the dream and what did you do after the dream to end up here?”

Edlynne sets her fork on her plate gently and then places her hands in her lap. She looks between the two of us as she begins telling her story. “Zeus visited me in a dream. He told me we’ve been locked away for our safety, and we’re free now that Adeena Devna has been named High Lady of Sky.”

“Did he say anything else in this dream?” I ask, doing my best to hide the skepticism in my voice.

“He said we need to find the high lady, Adeena Devna now that we’ve been released under her protection. He kept repeating ‘defender of the forgotten.’”

Adeena shifts in her chair, her face suddenly changing to a much more serious expression.

Chapter Twelve


Defender of the forgotten, keeper of divine ability, yielder to none.

The words play on repeat as a deep male voice echoes through my head.

My mouth is dry, and I feel a shift in my power. It’s like my power reserves are recharging but on a much more exponential level. A sweat breaks out across my forehead as his voice continues.

Defender of the forgotten, keeper of divine ability, yielder to none.

Chills wash over me as sweat begins to roll down my back. I’m having trouble staying focused on the conversation. The second the words left Edlynne’s mouth ‘defender of the forgotten’ I felt the change, a sudden click somewhere deep within me.
