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“Hmm,” he hums while tapping his chin. “I haven’t been out that way for a while, but it was fine the last time I saw it. There’s likely damage from the original invasion, but I’m sure it could be fixed up, especially for a high lady,” he winks.

“Would you care to take us there after I drop this list off? I would also love for you to show me around the village if you have time.”

“It would be my pleasure. I’ll be here whenever you’re ready to go.”

* * *

Edlynne immediately tookover the task of assigning housing to the lost fae so that Lyra and I could take a tour of Northford then see our new home.

Lyra has been quiet for most of the tour, allowing Alaric to talk about what things used to look like, and how they compare now. Most of the buildings are rundown with broken windows and kicked out doors, but I know a community effort can save them.

I feel sorry for Lyra as we walk. I knew it would be hard for her to adjust to being back here, but I hadn’t really put myself in her shoes. Thinking about it is one thing, and seeing her go through it is another. The emotions are clear on her face as her eyes wander the village: anger, sadness, and grief.

It’s easy to imagine how beautiful this place once was. The streets are made of cobblestone, and that’s a rather luxurious upgrade from Astrari considering the streets were dirt there. Most of the buildings are constructed with a cement and stone mixture, and grand windows once showcased the shops in the heart of the village. It’ll take time to restore the village, but now that the looters and creatures are being taken care of, it’ll be possible.

A small stream snakes its way through town, flowing with the deepest blue water I’ve ever seen. It fills a pond near what used to be a park. Visions of children playing in the long grass tickle my mind, and I feel hopeful for the future here.

After our tour Alaric left to help Edlynne. Lyra remembered the way to her grandfather’s manor, so she took me and Dreyden there.

The manor sits on the outskirts of the village, positioned by itself overlooking a small lake. The forest sits just on the other side of the sparkling lake. Unclipped grass expands around the lake, and there are several acres of cleared land around the house.

“Oh, wow,” Lyra gasps as we approach the house.

“It’s gorgeous,” I say with wide eyes, taking in the manor in its entirety.

The exterior of the manor is grey stone, complete with a pointed shingle roof and numerous balconies overlooking the lawn. Grand staircases spiral around the front entrance. Half of the windows have been broke out, and that makes me afraid to see what has been done to the inside.

Her eyes are sad as she surveys the house. “My grandmother hosted many balls here. Mostly looking for a suitor for me, but she loved event planning. She never let this place go to waste. It was always shared amongst the community and used as a gathering place.”

We climb the staircase to the entrance, and Lyra sighs in relief when she sees the front doors still intact. “My grandfather made these doors himself. My grandmother complained about how cheap the old doors felt compared to the rest of the manor, so he found the most luxurious and heavy would he could, and made her new doors.”

Dreyden uses all his strength to force the doors open, slamming into the repeatedly until the latch loosens. “I’d guess these doors haven’t been opened since before the war.”

Lyra shakes her head. “They haven’t been opened for years. My grandparents died long before the war, and we couldn’t bring ourselves to come back to the place they loved sharing with us. Most of my childhood memories are here.”

Dreyden enters first, cautiously glancing around the house as he steps inside. Lyra follows him closely, suddenly eager to take a look around. I don’t close the doors completely once I’m in out of fear we may not be able to get them back open.

There’s dust and an overwhelming number of cobwebs covering absolutely everything inside the house. Broken vases spread sharp ceramic pieces across the marbled floors, and we have to watch our feet as we make our way through the house. If the sun wasn’t setting right now it would be easier to see the interior of the house, so I’ll have to wait until morning to do the extensive exploring I’m planning on doing. Everything about this place is grand and expensive. Archways lead from room to room and pillars support the ceiling where it extends far above my head. We pass at least three sets of spiral staircases, and eventually find what used to be guest sleeping chambers.

Dreyden does a quick sweep of the house as Lyra and I settle into rooms across from other for the night. She didn’t say much after we got inside the house, but she explored the house more than I did. She knew her way around well, and I noticed she avoided certain areas of the house on purpose.

I slip into one of Dreyden’s oversized tunics before crawling into the bed sheets I just fluffed and dusted.

The door groans as Dreyden opens it. “The house feels clear, but it’s so big there could be someone hiding here and I wouldn’t know it unless I spent hours going through it room by room. I feel comfortable with us going to bed tonight without a full sweep, but I’d like to do one tomorrow. How does that sound?”

I trust his judgment, and I know if anything were to happen we would be able to take care of ourselves. I haven’t been training all these months for nothing.

“Yes,” I smile, patting the mattress beside me. “Come to bed.”

He slides his tunic over his head then unbuckles his pants, quickly wiggling out of them. He looks stresses as he slides into bed beside me, exhaling loudly.

My brows furrow as I watch him. “What’s wrong?”

Crossing his hands over his chest, he turns his face to me. “I don’t like knowing you’ll be living in such… poor conditions. It scares me seeing the windows broke out and décor smashed to pieces. I’ve seen it all before, but it’s different when I have to think about you living here.”

“I think there’s a lot of potential here, and it’ll provide jobs to get this place cleaned up. It’ll take time, I know that, but I know it will be worth it. The yard is large enough to host everyone we brough over and more. Endless bedrooms will be perfect for guests. We can swim in the lake out back.” I nudge him gently, “We love swimming.”

He’s quiet as he listens to me, and I think he’s trying to avoid stepping on my toes. His voice has a hint of sadness as he speaks, “We’ll get it cleaned up as soon as we can.”
