Page 77 of Redemption

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“Well, I’ve never felt love before, or been told those words, or learned to describe the feelings swarming my body right now. So I can only assume it’s…” My words trail off as Enzo lifts his hand from my thigh and cups my cheek. I lean into his hold as he strokes his thumb across my skin, lulling me into a sense of peace despite the storm I feel like I’m in.

“I’ll take that,Bella, I’ll take whatever it is you have to offer as long as it keeps you here by our side.”

I offer the smallest nod in response, my eyelids closing just as he pulls me closer and claims my lips with his. It’s soft, it’s raw, and it’s full of the feelings we’re trying to convey. Bringing my hand to his neck, I’m careful not to lean against his wound when the door beside Enzo opens and our moment is cut short.

Pulling my mouth from his, I look up to see who it is, to find Matteo glaring at the side of his brother’s head.

“Stop hogging her and stealing all of her kisses just because you’re injured, asshole,” Matteo grumbles, before turning his attention my way with a pointed look.

I can’t help but grin at the pair of them as he reluctantly offers his arm to aid his brother out of the car.

“It’s not just because I’m injured, she thinks I’m the nicest too,” Enzo states proudly as he stands from the vehicle and turns his head to look at me as I follow him out.

“Bullshit,” Matteo retorts, shaking his head at his brother before they both turn to look at me.

“Wren, tell him it’s true.”

I scoff this time, waving my hand dismissively between them as I move a few steps ahead. “I’m not saying shit.”

I pass Vito as he moves to help his brother, offering me a wry smile as he runs his fingers gently down my arm.

This round-trip has served a purpose in pulling us closer together. I just hate that it cost Enzo such an injury. Ethan explained to me how close it could have been, and I’m thankful for the chance we’ve been given, and I don’t want to waste it.

Glancing back over my shoulder, I spy the brothers walking slowly together, and a sense of calmness blossoms inside of me as I step into the house.

I startle when an arm wraps around me and a small kiss is pressed against my temple. Nonna offers me a relieved smile.

“I’m making you all something to eat, but I think Enzo would be more comfortable in his room,” she states to all of us, but doesn’t get a chance to say anything else as Enzo curses.

“Like fuck you’re getting rid of me that easily. I might be wounded but I’m not completely fucking broken, and I’m not being kept out of the loop. I feel helpless enough as it is.”

Nonna shakes her head with a knowing smirk to her lips. “I thought you would say that, so I set you up in the lounge. The young doctor you sent in is preparing your room to accommodate the medical supplies you’re going to need.” She turns on the spot and heads to the kitchen without another word as I let the guys lead the way to the lounge.

Stepping through the door across from the gym, I’m surprised to find a cozy space with a large sofa and a huge television on the wall. The different tones of blue and gray scream man cave, but you can also tell it had Nonna’s or Valentina’s touch with the cushions, drapes, and plush carpet.

Matteo and Vito get Enzo comfortable on one of the sofas, propping his legs up so he can rest just as Ethan steps into the room.

“Why do I get the feeling you’re going to be the biggest handful of a patient I’ve ever had?” He smirks at Enzo as he approaches him, pulling out the tablet he’s been keeping all of his vitals documented on.

“I’m always the biggesteverything,” Enzo replies with a wink. Even as he winces with the pain he’s in, he still has his humor.

I roll my eyes at him as Ethan glances back over his shoulder at me.

“He’s good for you, Wren,” he states, like he has a clue, but the way his eyes shine, I know he believes it to be true and so do I. “They all are,” he adds, nodding toward Matteo and Vito as I nibble on my bottom lip, nodding ever so slightly in response.

“Thank you for this,” I murmur, hoping to change the subject, but I’m saved by the phenomenal queen that is Valentina as she waltzes into the room.

“There you are, I’ve been so worried,” she exclaims, throwing her arms out wide, but it’s not Enzo she charges at… it’s me. As she engulfs me in her arms, it takes me a second to respond, and I hug her back, surprised by how much it actually calms the tension that’s been rising inside of me since we left.

When she leans back, her eyes rake over me from head to toe. “Let me check you over, are you injured in any way?” she asks, and I shake my head, unable to respond when Enzo scoffs from his spot on the sofa.

“What the fuck, V, what about me? I’m the one with a bullet hole in my gut,” he grumbles, but she waves her hand at him dismissively like it’s not that big of a deal.

“I can still hear you whining, fucker, so you must be okay,” she retorts, turning a pointed stare in his direction, and she manages to make both Matteo and Vito grin.

The De Lucas are all crazy as fuck, and that’s exactly why I feel like I belong here.

Despite the calmness in the room, I know I have to ask Valentina about everything I mentioned on the call before we left New York. Turning my attention back to her, I clear my throat. “Did you manage to get everything in order like I asked?”
