Page 84 of Redemption

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I follow the sound of his voice to find him walking side by side with Kai, who has a limp body tossed over his shoulder, while Vito seems to be carrying something in his hand. They’re both smeared with blood, far more than I am, and as they draw nearer, I gape in utter surprise at what it is exactly that they’re carrying.

They come to a stop beside Matteo and Kai drops the lifeless body to the ground with a thump, making my spine stiffen as I watch it clatter to the ground without a head.

There’s no head, because it’s hanging by the hair from Vito’s hand.

“What have you done to my brother?” Dmitri yells, his body vibrating behind me as Vito shrugs.

“Let her fucking go before I do the same to you,” he bites, wiping his hands in front of him, completely weaponless and defenseless, and I start to panic.

This crazy man can kill me, lay me dead in an instant. I’m not bothered, but like hell will he bring any more pain to another one of the men I’m obsessed with.


“No,I’mthe fucking boss around here, I call the shots,” Dmitri growls, jabbing the gun even harsher into my temple as I flex my hands at my sides. “You fuckers all better start listening tome,” he continues, pulling the firearm from my head to wave it around at everyone, before quickly placing it on my skull again. “I was promised everything from Totem. E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. Just like Matteo was. I thought we could work together, but you deceived us, deceived me, and you all deserve the death bestowed on you today.” He swings the gun around once more, and I immediately move into action.

Dropping my body to the ground, I purposely throw myself backward in the process, knocking him off his feet so he topples down with me. I can’t see anything, and I can barely hear anything over the adrenaline rushing through my system, except for the sound of gunshots firing around me.

I pause in a state of panic as soon as my ass hits the ground, fearful of where the gunshots came from and where they were aimed, but as I let the outside world filter back in, I notice a hand being offered to me at my left.

Blinking, I see Jess with a tight smile on her lips, but despite the animosity between us, and rightfully so, I take her offering. She pulls me to my feet with more strength than I expect, to find both Luna and Valentina hovering over Dmitri, their guns aimed at him where two bullet holes now reside in his face.

Yup, I’m definitely covered in far too much blood.

“Is everyone else okay?” I ask, glancing around as the members of Featherstone slowly assemble.

“Fuck everyone else,Stellina, are you okay?” I hear Matteo before I see him, and he’s lifting me off the ground before I can even answer, but I quickly spin in his arms so I can wrap my arms around his neck.

“I’m okay, but we’re going to have to fucking talk about the fact that you disarmed yourself. You shouldn’t have done that,” I whisper in his ear, but he only holds me tighter.

“What the fuck was that, V?” Vito’s voice has me leaning back to see him approach us with his finger pointed in his sister's direction. “You could have killed her,” he adds, anger flashing in his eyes as I gape at him in surprise.

“But I didn’t, so a thank you will suffice,” she retorts, coming to stand beside me with her hand on my back in a silent show of support, and I can’t help but grin at her.

She definitelyiscrazy as hell.

Matteo slowly places me on my feet, moving me just out of Valentina’s reach as he grabs my chin and tilts my head back. “I have never been more scared in my entire life,Stellina, and I literally watched my brother almost bleed to death.” I don’t know what to say to that, but he doesn’t give me a chance anyway as he inches closer until our noses are touching. “I fucking love you, Wren. I will disarm myself each and every time you’re in harm’s way, because let’s face it, this won’t be the last time. You’re my vulnerability, and I don’t give a fuck if that makes me predictable when it comes to your safety. None of that matters, not when I feel like this.”

My breath is lodged in my throat, making it hard for me to breathe, let alone find the words to respond to a speech like that. It takes almost a dozen attempts at a deep breath before I finally manage to reply, but it’s only four words. I can’t muster any more than that.

“I love you too.”

“Does that mean you’re going to stay with us forever?” Vito asks from beside me.

“When did I ever say I was going anywhere?”

I can sense eyes on us, but I can’t bring myself to care that we’re having such a private conversation in front of everybody.

Vito’s response doesn’t come in the form of words, instead he crushes his lips to mine, knocking Matteo out of the way.

“Woohoo! Yes, brother, you get some,” Valentina cheers, making me grin against his lips before he takes a step back, throwing a mocking glare in her direction.

As he moves out of my immediate space, I find Luna and her men hovering to my right, with Jess and her three guys with them. When my eyes fall to West, I can’t stop myself from asking.

“Was that sniper shot from you?” I blindly point over my shoulder to the location I’m talking about, and he nods with a grin on his lips. One that I match with awe on my face. “That was an amazing fucking shot,” I blurt, very aware that I’m being almost nice to these people, but it catches me off guard even more when he steps toward me with his palm raised in the air.

Without thinking, I slap mine to his as Aiden cheers. “High-five!”

My grin spreads at the ease that rolls through my body, but I falter when West grabs my right wrist before it falls back to my side. “I do believe that the greatest shot that was ever taken was done so with this hand.”

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