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Luca scrubs a hand down his face. He’s trying hard not to smother Elena. It’s amusing to me. For seven years he had assumed he would marry Milan. A woman twelve years younger than him, who he doubted he would ever love. Then Elena popped up out of nowhere and sent him to his knees. Literally and metaphorically. He was smitten the moment she kicked his ass. Every instinct he has is riding him to shield her from the unscrupulous side of the family. Which is ironic, because she was the one who shot Santo first, and she’s probably got a higher body count than Luca does.

She wasn’t raised in the life, but she was trained for it. Ronan, a shadow mercenary, came to her mother’s aid on the side of the road, while she was in labor. He helped deliver Elena and has been her unofficial godfather ever since. Over the years he’s trained her in everything from self-defense, lock picking, weapons, computer hacking, and interrogation.

“Because I don’t want you in the basement.” Elena opens her mouth to interrupt. Luca stops her with a hand over her mouth. “I know you can handle it. I’m not doubting your skills.” He removes his hand and replaces it with his lips.

I turn in my seat to go back to my work. I’m happy for my brother. He deserves happiness. He deserves love.

I don’t.

Ever since Santo’s betrayals came to light, I’ve been plagued with doubts of the past. Doubts about the day at the lake house. Why was Santo there? I never questioned it at the time. I was too distraught. I had planned to only give my girl a few days to cool down, then I was going to find her and force her to talk to me.

I never did go to her. Santo kept me busy. Everyday he was giving me a new lead to track, a new man to take out. I was vicious, hungry. The beast in me had been unleashed and I didn’t have my girl to calm me. The rage from her leaving me festered. By the time the red faded from my vision, months had gone by. She had remained radio silent. Her apartment was cleared out, and she had taken leave from school. Looking back, I should have saw it as the sign it was.

There was no way my girl would have quit med school. It was her dream. A promise to her parents that she made after they died.

Did Santo say something to my girl. Did he threaten her? Did he hurt her? I don’t even know if she’s alive. There is no online activity or records of her in six years. I’ve been trying to track her down in every spare moment I have. The family’s rat problem has been coming first. Or it should. It’s getting harder and harder to keep my mind on task. There is a soul deep ache within me. The blood hungry beast I buried in the past wants answers.

Fuck it.

Elena can look into our problem. I need to find my girl. My Keira.

No, not my girl. Not any more.

Could she be again? It’s been seven years. Maybe she’s married. Does she have kids and a white picket fence? Did she end up becoming a doctor?

Is she buried in an unmarked grave, or was she tossed into the lake?

Before I realize it, my fists are slamming against the table. “Everything alright Val?” Asks Massimo.

“No.” I close my laptop and rip the power cord from the wall. “No. Nothing is fucking alright. I need to fucking find her.” I say as I storm out of the room.



I TUG ATthe bottom of my dress. Trying to get it down as far as it can go. It’s not exactly short. Everything is covered. It ends mid-thigh, and only rides up slightly when I walk.

“Relax.” Killian whispers into my ear. “You look perfect. They’re going to love you.”

“Couldn’t they love me while I was wearing pants?” I retort. Damn, I miss my leggings and scrubs. Killian laughs and brings my knuckles to his lips. I wait for the butterflies to flutter. Nothing. They are as dead as my heart. It makes me angry for Killian. He asked me to marry him knowing I would never love him. I don’t even lust for him. He’s a good looking guy. Muscular, chiseled jaw, and an ass you can bounce a quarter off of. I should be thrilled to marry him. I’m not. It’s a business arrangement.

He needed a wife that he can trust. Someone who will help him to keep the secret he guards. And I needed protection. A name and money I could hide behind. Killian had given me both years ago. A new identity and an impenetrable fortress to live in. There were no strings attached to it. Yet when he asked me to agree to marry him, I didn’t hesitate. He wasn’t looking for love. Secrets were more important to keep. People were safer that way.

“You know my family is old fashion.” He replies with a grin.

It makes me want to punch him in his pretty face. “Yes. Yes.” I grumble before repeating the rules I must follow. “Women can’t wear pants at family functions. Heels need to be at least three inches. Hair freshly done, and make-up caked in ridiculous layers. God forbid someone sees I have freckles. Oh, and I am to defer to you in all decisions that may arise throughout the night.” I nudge my shoulder into him as the car pulls to a stop. “Kind of fucked up of you to choose the undefeated underground MMA fighter slash surgeon to marry.” He laughs.

“It's about time my family had a shake up.” Killian says as the driver knocks on the window. Killian knocks back. The door is opened and he steps out, then offers his hand to me. It’s a struggle to keep myself covered while maneuvering, but I somehow manage. Once I’m steady on my feet. Killian leans in to whisper. “My cousins have become too complacent with my father's reign. Or lack their of. Tonight we take the first step to taking over the family business.”

Stepping back, he takes my hand and tucks it into the crook of his arm. We’re at the marina, heading to a massive yacht. It’s larger than any boat I’ve ever seen. I should have expected it. Killian’s family is insanely rich.

Once boarded, we are handed glasses of champagne. I pretend to sip mine. We need to remain clear headed tonight. “You going to be okay for a bit?” Killian asks.

“Yeah, go get ‘em boss man.” I tease. Killian gives me a chaste kiss on the cheek before wandering off to find his father.

I make slow loops around the boat. With nothing in common with these people, I don’t join into conversation. I people watch. The men speak of money and business I know nothing about.

The woman are equally as unimpressive to commune with. They throw false compliments at each other and laugh loud and high pitched as though they just heard the greatest joke in the world.
