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“You okay?”

“Yeah. Just clumsy.”

He still hadn’t let go. “We make a truce, and then I save your life. Damn, I’m amazing.”

I snorted at that, a genuine laugh. The moment reminded me of many we used to have. “Saving my life is a bit of a stretch. Saved me from some bruises, more like it. But I still appreciate it.”

“You could just focus on the ‘saved me’ part and forget the details, you know.” He finally put me down, carefully. I was extra cautious on the rest of the steps, and I couldn’t stop thinking about my body pressed against his.

At the bottom of the stairs, he put his hand on my arm, real concern in his eyes. “Your ankle okay?”

“Totally fine, thanks.”

He grinned, letting his hand drop from my arm. “Okay, then. It was fun looking around with you and saving you from certain death. Later, squirt.”

I watched him walk away, feeling a thundering in my chest that was all too familiar. There was a reason I avoided and pushed him away.

It was the only way I could breathe around him.

I didn’t start to feel calm again until after he was gone.

I was in so much trouble.


Penny was waiting at our usual table toward the back of our favorite downtown café. The sandwiches and drinks were delicious, and I noticed she’d already ordered me a mimosa. Her light brown hair was pulled into a low ponytail, and she had a stylishly sleek look about her that oozed “artsy” vibes.

“You survived,” she joked and clapped.

I offered a fake curtsey before sitting across from her. “Yep. Only minimal damage to my soul after showing him around.”

She lifted her glass. “How’d you do?”

I shrugged. “Fine at first, but then I caught sight of his ridiculous abs, and my mind went blank. He’s too hot. He should come with a warning sign and protective lenses.”

She snorted. “Well, I’m glad you didn’t make a complete fool of yourself.”

I rolled my eyes. “No, that happened too. About two seconds into him entering the store, I knocked over half the books on my display.”

She gasped mockingly. “No way. After you worked so hard on them.”

I raised a hand to stop her from continuing to joke. “I’m not sure I’ll ever live it down.”

We snickered as a server approached. We ordered our usuals and then handed over our menus.

I nibbled my lip, the idea of my truce with Chris eating at me. I’d told Penny everything since we became good friends in the dorms our freshman year. We’ve been attached at the hips since then. She was my only true friend.

“Something interesting did happen toward the end of the tour,” I admitted, lifting my glass for a sip.

Penny’s eyebrow quirked. “You boned between the shelves in the back corner!”

I spit out the mimosa. “God, no.” I wiped my mouth with a napkin as her eyes sparkled with amusement. “He asked for a truce.”

She looked confused as to why that was juicy news. “Okay, and?”

“And nothing. He said we needed to get along while working together.” I left out him catching me on the stairs and holding me against him, and I wasn’t even sure why.

“Right. A very normal thing to say and ask for.”
