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She finally turned to me, and I got lost in her forest green eyes for a moment. We were so close, just a breath’s width apart. My gaze drifted to her lips, and I forced myself to look up again. She leaned forward, closing her eyes as she pressed her mouth against mine.

I froze at first, unable to breathe.

How many times had I thought about what it would feel like to kiss her? And how many times did I have to push that ridiculous fantasy away and feel guilty about it later when I saw her or Sean?

I should have pulled back then, but I was weak. Her tongue slid across my lips, and I couldn’t hold back anymore. I parted my lips and met her tongue with mine. We kissed hungrily, hands gliding over each other’s face, neck, and shoulders. I sifted my fingers through her hair and tugged. She moaned in response, and I took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, circling my tongue against hers.

I wanted to hear her moan like that again, many times, because of me. The erotic sound rattled through me and had me pulling her in closer.

I knew I should stop.

That this would not end well, but I was lost in her taste and pushed the thought out of my mind. I ran my hands down her body and slipped them under the hem of her shirt, feeling her smooth, warm skin.

She pulled back just enough to take off her shirt, and I pulled mine off with one swift movement. As I ran my fingers up her back, she shivered and moaned again, the sound vibrating right down to my cock. My lips found hers again as her hands roamed over my body.

She shifted forward, aiming to climb into my lap. God, I wanted her to, though my guilt was growing along with my arousal.

My phone pinged with a text notification. I ignored it, my hands gripping Sav’s thighs. It pinged twice more and the possibility of it being Sean or Sav’s Grandpa crossed my mind. Guilt swooped in, reminding me that it was my best friend’s little sister I was pulling into my lap.

I looked at Sav with apologetic eyes. “Sorry, I should check that.” I reached for my phone on the side table and let out a deep sigh after glancing at it. “It’s Sean. He’s worried about you and is asking where you are.”

“I’ll just text him later,” she said as she pulled my arm, trying to get back to where we left off, but I couldn’t after seeing Sean’s text, worrying about his little sister.

I held her by the arms to gently separate us. I had to put a stop to this.

I shouldn’t have let it get this far.

I shook my head. “No, we’re not doing this.” I stood, putting my shirt back on. I grabbed the one I had gotten for her and pulled it over her head. She frowned as she swatted my hands away and finished putting it on herself.

I turned and pointed. “You’re going to sleep, and we’re forgetting this ever happened.”

Hurt spread across her face, and my heart ached to see it. “So, what? Am I not good enough for you?” She had to know better than that, didn’t she? But she kept going. “You had a sample, and it didn’t measure up to the women you bring home?”

Dammit, I had totally screwed up.

I frowned and put up my hand. “Sav, stop. You’re—”

“Didn’t realize you had such high standards, Chris,” she interrupted. “Considering you have a revolving door of women. Different flavor every week, right? What do all those other girls have that I don’t?”

“You’re not those other girls, Sav. And it’s sad you’d try to be one of them.” Tears filled her eyes as she looked away. I probably should have shut up, but I had to keep her from thinking something between us was possible, or I was going to give in and kiss her again. “You’re not like that. We’re not like that. You’re just drunk, and you need to get that childish fantasy out of your head right now.”

I stalked out of the room and closed the door behind me.

I was angry at myself for allowing this to happen and had a hell of a time sleeping. I peeked in on her a couple of times through the night to make sure she was okay and not sick from too much alcohol. She was sleeping both times.

She was gone by the time I woke up early the next morning to check on her again. I tried to call her, but she ignored my attempts to reach her.

I had screwed up bad.

I hoped Sav wouldn’t stay upset for long and maybe we could pretend that nothing had happened. I probably should have been braver and went to see her in person, where she couldn’t ignore me, and apologize for everything. Especially after being so harsh with her.

And I should have explained that I hadn’t been angry with her, but myself. Because by the time I left her in that room, I knew that I’d never forget that kiss or how her skin felt under my fingertips. I was going to be haunted by that taste of what I knew I couldn’t have, and I didn’t handle it well at all.

I should have explained a lot of things.

I didn’t. And then I ran into her while I was in a restaurant on a date the following week.

I wanted to get Sav out of my head, to move on and forget about what happened. The hurt look in her eyes told me she didn’t feel the same way. I left the woman I was planning to sleep with that night sitting alone at the table while I went after her, determined to finally apologize and set things right.

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