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Sav was cradledagainst my chest, her arms wrapped around my neck as I carried her up to my apartment. It was conveniently situated in the middle of town and wasn’t very far from The Tavern where we’d just had a few drinks.

Sav had a few too many, and I was a little tipsy myself.

“I think you’ve had too much,” I said, chuckling as I lowered her onto my worn-out couch.

I’d carried her because the alcohol in her system had deemed her legs unfit for walking and they had given up a half block away from my place.

Not that I was complaining. I didn’t mind the excuse to be close to her. I breathed in her scent of honey and vanilla.

She must have been nervous about something because she was antsy the entire night and drank more than usual. Something was up tonight.

“Come here,” she said, opening her arms after I set her down, seemingly wanting a hug.

I took in her pink cheeks and glassy eyes, and I decided it wasn’t the best idea.

Sav was my best friend’s little sister, and we had known each other practically our whole lives. She was beautiful and special to me in a way that was different from how I felt about any other woman.

I couldn’t deny the chemistry between us. I always had to be careful I didn’t cross the line with her because I found myself wanting to on more than one occasion.

I smiled and slowly shook my head. “I’m good, squirt. Let me get you a shirt to change into.”

She pouted.

I chuckled and headed to my room to find something comfy for her to wear. It wasn’t ideal that Sav was staying over at my place. But I reluctantly agreed when she said she didn’t want her brother Sean or her grandpa to see her drunk, since I’d probably be held responsible for her drunkenness.

I found a clean shirt and handed it to her as she sat up. I remained standing and shoved my hands into my pockets.

Her kissable lips shifted into a smile as she patted the empty cushion beside her. “Come sit with me.”

From the look in her eyes, I knew it wasn’t a good idea.

It was the same look that women had when they wanted to get laid. It usually ended up with me taking them home for the night.


In a few rare cases, I spent more than one night with a woman, but I never let myself get involved with them. It was the best way I found to keep anyone from ripping my heart out and stomping it. Having that happen once in my lifetime was more than enough for me.

I’d gotten pretty good at picking women who wanted the same thing: a lot of fun between the sheets and zero attachments or expectations the next day.

I didn’t want that with Sav. Drunken meaningless sex. She was much too important to me.

It was hard enough to keep my hands off of her when I was sober, and with alcohol coursing through my veins, I wasn’t sure I had the self-restraint.

I took a couple of steps back to make sure I didn’t act on what I wanted. “You should lie down and sleep this off, and maybe you won’t have the world’s worst hangover tomorrow.”

Her smile faded. “I know I’m not up to your usual standard, but I didn’t think you’d be so horrified,” she asked, turning away, her voice barely above a whisper.

I stared at her for a moment.

I hated that that’s what she thought and hoped it was only because she was drunk. Even so, I refused to let her keep thinking that. I sat next to her and gently pulled her arm to face me, but she kept her head turned away.

“Sav, are you kidding me right now? Don’t you ever say something like that. You’re a beautiful woman. Any guy would be lucky to be in the same room as you.” I meant what I said too. She was damn gorgeous. And she clearly had no idea how hard it was for me to resist her. “Will you look at me, please?”

I pulled her chin to face me, so I could read her expression and piece together how she was feeling.
