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I felt completely tipsy on him instead.

I couldn’t think of anything beyond the present moment as his tongue slid against mine. I was lost in his scent and surrounded by the heat of his body.

My arms slid up his chest, and I wrapped them around his neck, drawing him closer. I was drunk on his kisses and felt like I could do this forever. I never wanted to stop.

“Sav,” he breathed against my lips, then kissed me again, his hands moving under my rear end to lift me onto the desk.

Someone cleared their throat. I jumped away, leaving at least two feet of space between us. A beautiful woman stood in the doorway.

She smiled good-naturedly. “Sorry to interrupt. I was looking for Chris.”

My shoulders slumped as I glanced at him.

He smiled brightly. “Are you Melanie?”

She looked relieved. “Yes, I am. I didn’t mean to interrupt whatever was going on here, but I’m meeting with a few clients today.”

He shook his head. “No, of course. I should have been out there waiting for you, but I lost track of time.”

She smiled at me. “I can see that.”

Chris turned to me, looking distracted, almost as if he barely remembered I was in the room. “Sav, this is Melanie. Melanie, this is Sav.”

Melanie stepped into the office and offered her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“Likewise,” came from my lips, although I’m pretty sure it wasn’t me that said it. It was some other Sav who’s a coward with no backbone.

Did he really kiss me when he had a date coming for lunch?Stop being so suspicious, I told myself.If she’d been his date, she would have known who he was and wouldn’t have announced she was there to see Chris.

She also probably wouldn’t have been thrilled to find him kissing another woman.

But years of mistrust kept me wanting to turn it into some sort of betrayal. The fact that he’d shifted gears so quickly and was running out without an explanation didn’t help.

“I’ll be back later,” he said. He cupped my shoulder and slid his hand down my arm as he stepped away. As if that touch could make it all okay.

He gestured for Melanie to walk forward and followed her out. I watched from the window as he caught up to her and began talking animatedly. She laughed at something he said, and there was a pang in my chest.

I rubbed the spot, wishing I could take back the last few minutes. Maybe she wasn’t a date, but he looked at her like he enjoyed what he saw. And I knew his reputation with beautiful women.

I’d only just stopped denying how much I still wanted to spend time with Chris after years of telling myself I was better off not knowing him. And as soon as he’d kissed me, I realized just how desperately I still wanted that, and more.

Damn Melanie for ruining my moment.



“I’ll giveyou a call as things develop,” Melanie said as we stood outside Sparks Bookstore. We’d walked down to a nearby café for lunch, so we’d hammered out the final details of the project on the stroll back.

“Thanks again for meeting with me,” I said, offering her my hand.

She shook it. “No problem. We’ll be in touch soon.”

I stood outside, watching to ensure she backed up safely before driving away. I glanced at the sky, admiring how nice a day it was.

After the kiss I shared with Sav earlier, nothing could ruin this day. We were making progress I didn’t think was possible, but there were many issues we’d have to face if this went any further.

The idea of Sean finding out worried me. We’d been good friends for most of my life, so how would he feel about me kissing his little sister? How would he feel if he knew the whole story and found out it wasn’t even the first time?
