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Before she could strike again, Michael scooped her up. “Sorry,” he said. “She’s an escape artist.” He walked her over to her little playpen and placed her inside. She fidgeted and cried before he handed her a favorite toy.

Penny appeared with two steaming mugs, bless her beautiful, caffeine-delivering soul.

“I have a meeting in a few,” Michael said, kissing his wife on the cheek.

Penny nodded. “I got her. Don’t worry.”

He kissed the top of my head. “Hope you’ll feel better soon.”

“Gonna try,” I said.

Penny put our coffees on the table and sat beside me. “I’ll make some eggs and toast whenever you feel like eating.”

I was lucky to have Penny as a friend when I’d been so anti-social for most of my life. “I’m so glad we were roomed together freshman year,” I said.

“Me too,” she agreed, squeezing my calf. “Are you feeling any better from last night?”

I pouted. “Not really.”

“Maybe you should turn your phone back on,” she suggested. “Things might not be as bad as you think.”

Penny had tried to tell me last night that no, I shouldn’t have followed them, and no, Chris shouldn’t have left when he did. She seemed to think we’d work it out between us. Her confidence made me feel better, but I still felt like I’d screwed everything up beyond repair.

My insecurities kept rising up, causing problems. What if that never stopped? What if I flew off the handle anytime a beautiful woman looked his way? What if I was such a stunted child when it came to love, that I was incapable of having an adult, trusting relationship even with the man I’d wanted almost my whole life?

Olivia started getting fussy again, so Penny went to get her.

I sat up slowly, mindful of my throbbing, hungover brain, and got my phone out of my purse to turn it on. I’d been too scared to leave it on last night.

I’d missed three calls. One from Grampa, one from Sean, and one from Chris.

I couldn’t imagine why he’d even want me anymore. My jealousy had to be a turn-off. Then dealing with Sean at his angriest might have been a nail in the coffin. I’d convinced myself of that, so I was surprised to see that he’d called at all.

Grampa left a voicemail. He just wanted to make sure I was okay. Sean didn’t leave one, but he’d texted to say he was sorry, and that we needed to talk.

Chris’s message simply said, “Sav, please call me when you can.”

He’d left a few text messages after that. One said that he was coming over to talk to me. After he got there and found that I wasn’t home, he’d texted asking me to let him know I was okay. Finally, the last text from just twenty minutes earlier, said, “Please call me. Nothing in this world is more important to me than you. I’m free for the next hour. In fact, I’m going to clear the day. Call me anytime, and I’ll drop whatever I’m doing. Call me, Sav.”

“Chris wants to talk,” I said.

Penny nodded, swaying side to side while she held Olivia. “I need to change her and give her a snack. So you’ll have some privacy.” She shot a look over her shoulder as she left the room. “Call him already,” she hissed.

I didn’t even know what I wanted to say. I was so confused and feeling foolish for everything.

I breathed out slowly, bracing myself as I dialed. It only rang once before he picked up. There was a pause where I felt like my heart might fall out of my chest.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

His voice was like silk, wrapping tight around me. It felt like the softest hug. I realized instantly that he was what I needed. I needed him so badly that it hurt every molecule in my body. I feared how much I needed him.

“Sav?” He sounded so worried.

“I’m here,” I said, my voice sound raw. “I’m okay.”

“Can I see you today?”

I shook my head even though he couldn’t see me. “I don’t think that’s a great idea,” I said.
