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The day had gotten cloudy and overcast throughout the afternoon, but it didn’t look like we were in for a bad storm. I turned to go back into the kitchen.

Blake stood in the doorway, staring at me.

I knew that look. It was a hungry, appreciative look. And I loved having it aimed my way.

“Are you…admiring my bold use of a scarf as a belt? Blown away by my fashion savvy?”

“Is it a scarf?” He stepped up to me, his hands sliding over my hips like they belonged there.

“It is.”

“Hm. I was actually admiring your perfect ass.”

“Honestandcomplimentary. I like that in a man.”

“Then how beautiful you look with your hair down this way.” He combed his fingers through my hair, his hand sliding down my shoulder and arm. “You’re stunning, Callie. You just…take my breath away.”

I hesitated for just a moment, unsure of what to say or do. I think I might have been trying to soak up those wonderful words since Blake usually said a fraction of that many at one time.

Before I could even say ‘thank you,’ Blake kissed me, and I was sure our date was going to have to wait for another night. It was a wet, demanding, slow kiss. AndI’m about to fuck your brains outkiss.

But when he came up for air, he stepped back, hands still on my hips. “Fucking stunning,” he said, shaking his head. Then he held his arm out, like a fine English gentleman waiting for a lady to hook her arm in his. “Ready to go?”

“Um, yes,” I said, though I felt ready for him to peel me out of that spring dress and scarf combo and spread me out right there on the floor. “Maybe we can beat the rain.”

“If not, we won’t melt.” There was logical Blake again, I thought. But once we stepped outside, he said, “And you’d only look hotter soaking wet anyway.”

He opened the door for me, and I squeezed my thighs tightly together. If he was going to keep me that turned on for the entire date, I’d be wanting it to end early.

* * *

I’ve been on a lot of dates with many different types of men. I’d even been out for a night with Blake, when we ended up swing dancing. But this date of his was probably the most perfect date I’d ever had.

Of course, it came on the heels of a successful audition for Elsie and lunch with his family. So, the day had already been pretty damn good. And then the way he looked at me, the things he said,that kissbefore we left.

Basically, the date could have been pretty ordinary, and I’d have still counted the day as a major success.

The date was actually nothing terribly fancy, I realized. Dinner at a restaurant slightly out of town. “They have cloth napkins,” Blake had said as kind of a joke. Really good Italian food. Candles on the tables. An extensive wine list.

It was nice.

The part that made it special was how Blake pulled me into the booth against him. The way his arm went possessively around me. The way he deferred to me every time the server approached our table.

The way he thanked me for helping Elsie, and the way he asked questions about my life.

He’d asked me plenty of questions when I got there, but those were more about figuring out who might be a threat. Now he really seemedinterested.

He didn’t deflect every question I asked him, either. We had an actual pleasant conversation that wasn’t all about what level of danger we might be in just being outside his fortress of a house.

Blake was a fantastic date, and I had more fun on that date than I think I’d ever had with anyone. We didn’t dance, but our bodies touched the entire time. I felt cuddled and protected, like he genuinely cared for me and about me.

And I couldn’t deny what my heart had been telling me for days. I was falling hard for Blake Donovan.

He reached out and lifted the pendant onto his fingers, brushing against my breasts as he did so. “That really looks great on you.”

“Thanks.” I glanced down at it. “It’s surprisingly pretty. Not at all what I thought a tracking necklace might look like.”

“What did you expect?”
