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The thought of going back to Austin and not seeing Blake every day had started to weigh on me, like something you know is coming and that you dread but can't stop.

When I thought of the tour I was missing because of the threats against me and tried to imagine my life, going city to city, performing, it held less appeal than it once did. I kept thinking of my one-on-one sessions with Elsie and how gratifying it had been to watch her improve with each repetition.

All the things from my life before seemed less ideal, while thoughts of teaching and staying close to Blake had poured in and taken their place.

Maybe I should have told him that. Maybe it was unfair to keep it to myself. I wasn't sure. But I also thought it would be worse to tell him and decide to go back to my old life than to say nothing at all.

When he got home from work, I stepped out of the kitchen to stand in the doorway to the living room to greet him.

He nodded at me as he dropped his bag by the door. Then he strode toward me, looking so incredibly hot in his uniform, and cupped my face in his hands.

Without a word or a moment of hesitation, Blake kissed me so thoroughly, my knees went a little soft. I twisted my hands in the back of his shirt and hung on.

"How’s my girl?" he finally asked.

"Um, a lot better now," I admitted, still with my arms around his waist. "Did you have a rough day?"

"Nope. Average." He kissed me softly, then took my hand to lead me to the kitchen. "What are you thinking for dinner? We can fix something or go out, whichever you prefer."

I liked this new openness. Blake was still a man of few, carefully chosen words, but I was enjoying how he didn't try to hide his attraction.

"I'm up for either," I said. Then I pressed my mouth against his shoulder from behind while he was staring into the fridge. "I'm up for anything you want."

He chuckled and turned to wrap his arms around me. "Careful now.Anythingcovers a lot of ground."

"It's okay. I trust you." I said it in a teasing way, but I was stunned to realize that I actually meant it. I not only trusted him to keep me safe, but I also trusted him to take care of my heart. He seemed to be the exception to my standing rule of believing that men weren't faithful or trustworthy.

Slow down, Callie. You're getting ahead of yourself.

Blake seemed to realize what I'd just said, how I meant it more than I was letting on. He dipped his head to kiss me again, softer and slower than before. "How hungry are you?"

I smiled against his mouth. "Oh, I'm hungry, but not for food." I lead him by the hand toward the stairs. "We can go out for dinner later, can't we?"

We'd just started up the staircase when my phone chimed. It was the distinctive sound I'd set for my father, so I'd always know if it was something I needed to take as soon as possible. Blake's phone went off at the same time.

This was either good news, or something very bad.

Blake answered his phone as I read my text: Arrests were made a couple of hours ago. You're no longer in danger. Andrew will come and collect you in the morning.

I sat on the stairs, letting relief wash over me. The nutjobs who'd threatened me were in jail. It was over!

I beamed at Blake, who frowned as he spoke on the phone.

"And you're sure the suspects are the ones who made the threats?" He paused. "You're sure it's all of them?"

Blake listened intently for another minute, then said, "I can bring her back to Austin tomorrow, Governor. I don't mind the drive. Okay, a flight is fine, too. No, sir. I insist. Thank you, sir."

Blake hung up. "He asked that you call him now."

I stood and hugged him tightly. "It's hard to believe it's finally over."

"I'm glad you're safe." He stroked my hair, then leaned back to kiss my forehead.

I called my dad, but before I'd said more than a few words, Blake disappeared into the kitchen. I stayed there to finish the conversation, which was about how relieved we both were that the ordeal was finally over.

Five people had been arrested, the IP addresses of their devices matching the ones from where the digital threats and messages had been sent. Finally, I could get back to my life.

I stared at the kitchen doorway. "Blake's bringing me home tomorrow?"
