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Oh. Divorce.

“What happened?” I asked, my mind swirling.

He sighed. “It was a long time coming.” Then he met my gaze. “The divorce was already in motion three months ago, when we met. I just hadn’t taken my ring off yet.”

My stomach knotted, and my chest felt tight.

He was getting a divorce when we met? So we could have—

“Todd really seems crazy about you,” he said. “And vice-versa.”

I didn’t know what to say to that. I was still reeling from the fact that Dylan was going through a divorce when we had met.

And now he was talking about his brother’s feelings for me.

“Todd’s a great guy,” I said, forcing a smile.

Dylan nodded, his gaze assessing me.

“So things are going well?” He narrowed his eyes, and I tried not to show how much his dark eyes affected me.

My mind was racing. How were things with Todd? They were good, weren't they?

“Pretty well, I guess.” I tried to smile and hoped it didn’t look as false as it felt. “He’s a lot of fun.”

“That he is,” Dylan said, and it didn’t sound like approval. “Lots of fun.”

I knew that Todd didn’t visit Dave nearly as much as Dylan. And Todd drank a lot more than I’d expected when we started dating. He’d missed some dates with me because he’d gone out with the other salespeople at the dealership to celebrate this or that and ended up too trashed to do anything. Todd was a little flaky and irresponsible at times. But he obviously had a good heart.

Todd's voice rang out, interrupting our conversation.

"There you guys are! Let's eat over by the pond." He waved us over impatiently. Dylan held my gaze a moment longer before getting up to grab the food and drinks.

I followed, my heart pounding in my chest. I couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt or the attraction I had for Dylan.

We settled on the grass to eat. When Dylan casually sat beside me, my skin prickled with awareness of how close he was.

I tried to focus on my food, nodding along to the conversation flowing around me.

"You okay? You seem quiet," Todd said, jolting me from my thoughts.

"Hmm? Oh, I'm fine," I said too brightly. "Just spacing out, I guess."

I avoided looking at Dylan, though I could feel his eyes on me. Todd frowned slightly but let it go, turning back to the others.

Being around Dylan felt like playing with fire, especially now that he was divorced. But I couldn't resist the flame drawing me closer, no matter how I tried to fight it.

After the conversation with Dylan in the park, I tried to act normal as we spent the rest of the afternoon sightseeing downtown.

Our grandfathers wanted to do a little shopping, so we got Dave’s wheelchair out of the trunk and leisurely walked down the street in the main business district.

The sidewalks had a steady stream of people as we strolled through the city. It was a pleasant day, so plenty of people were out enjoying the nice weather.

A few different people stopped to talk to Todd, keeping him behind while we kept walking. He was a master networker, always looking for the next big opportunity, so he was often running into somebody he knew.

Once, he disappeared for twenty minutes and caught up with us later. The Mercedes dealership was trying to lure him away from Audi, he said, because he pulled such high numbers on a monthly basis.

As he talked about that, Dylan nodded and said some encouraging things. But when he kept talking about it and about how much more money he could make, Dylan looked at me and rolled his eyes.
