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The nurses said beer wouldn’t be good for him because of his medication. He didn’t know Sarah had taken me aside and said one beer wouldn’t hurt anything.

I surprised him with a glass of that instead of his diet soda, and he lit up like it was Christmas.

By the time Lana came back to the table, I was off talking to other people.

It was hard to not look at her and keep track of where she was, but I did it for a couple of hours and managed to stay away from her.

“Hey, come over to the table,” Todd said, tugging on my arm. I was talking to one of the regulars.

“In a few minutes,” I said.

“Try now,” Todd said, then he pulled his hand out of his pocket and opened it, using his body to keep other people from seeing what he had.

A fucking ring box.This had to be some sort of a sick joke.

Apparently, the universe wanted to torture me today.

He was going to ask Lana to marry him.

In my fucking bar. Infrontof me.

“Todd,” I said, my tone low.

I had to stop and carefully measure my words. Becausedon’t you fucking darewould have been hard to explain.

Instead, I said, “You’ve been dating for barely five months. Rushing it much?”

“When you know, you know,” he said.

His eyes looked a little glassy, maybe from the alcohol, maybe from something stronger.

“How high are you?” I asked softly.

“Not so high that I don’t know what I’m doing. High on love, how’s about that? Come on to the table. I want my family there. Even the assholes,” he said with a wink. I shoved him with a laugh.

What else could I do? I couldn’t tell him not to propose. He was my little brother but a grown man.

If he was going to do it, I sure as hell didn’t want to see it.

God, it was ridiculous to be that hung up on someone I wasn’t even with. But from the moment we’d met, she stuck inside me in a way no one else had.

He looked at me with big, sappy eyes, so I dropped my shoulders and followed him to the table. I stood a few feet behind Grandpa, my arms crossed. That was as close as I was willing to get.



Aside from myfew minutes at the bar, I hadn’t talked to Dylan all night. I should have felt relieved. All being near Dylan did was make me feel guilty about how much I wanted him.

On the way back from the dance floor, I’d watched him get up from the table and walk away as he saw me approaching.

He was avoiding me.

And Dylan had no reason to do that unless he was trying to stay away from me for the same reasons I should have tried to avoid him.

He just had the willpower I didn’t seem to have.

Knowing that made it worse. It made me wish things had been different the day we met. And it thrilled me like nothing else did to think that Dylan might want me too.
